3) Tree and branch

A Night ago,

Mu Chen, who had promised to cure a venom out of the Scet master's concubine's body, was sneaking towards her residence where no male is allowed in this area.

Unknown to him, the Sect Master, Onion Elder, and a few more elders were already there under the influence of Beta Fang.

During the morning, seeing the future where the sect master would put him in the dungeon, he decided not to visit the sect master, but that turned out to be a huge mistake as, Beta Fang, expertly created a scenario and fed the Sect Master that, Mu Chem will visit the concubine chamber so, it's best to catch him there.


Looking at Mu Chen, who sneakily tried to enter the concubine chamber, the Sect master roared in anger,

"Mu Chen, face your Death," As the sect master screamed, he released his spiritual art and a large palm fell towards Mu Chen.

