17) The Hidden realm...

The Runes suddenly covered Yang Khan's body, instantly erasing the attack in him.

The next moment, his eyes glowed with a bright orange color, his hands covered in ancient runes that seemed menacing.

The Supreme Elder of the Gu family frowned slightly looking at the Runes, however, he quickly composed himself, his aura surging forth, creating a huge titan-like magical avatar on his body.

"You seem to have some tricks up your sleeves, Junior... Good! Good! Good!"

Elder's titan-like magical avatar loomed over the scene, a testament to the Gu Clan's immense power and influence. It was a ancient art that had been passed out through the Gu Family.



The titan-like avatar surged forward, its massive demon-like fist crackling with pulsing arcane energy.

The very air trembled as the colossal construct swung its devastating blow towards Yang Khan.