Chapter 1

"You are not ready yet?" She huffed with annoyance at the site in front of her.

"Cause i don't see the point of going," the girl sitting on the bed straightened setting her novel down but not without forgetting to place a bookmark and faced her best friend who had just busted into her room.

"Of course you don't," she muttered  taking a set on the bed. "We are already at the end of our third year in campus, and you haven't gone to a single party, C'mon Naina just this once for me, we wont even stay long just an hour," she said giving her best friend one of her infamous puppy dog eyes.

Sighing, she asked" You promise its just for an hour?" 

Receiving a quick nod from her best friend, she agreed.

"Lets get ready then, Lily," she forced out a smile earning a squeal from her friend.

The last place Naina hoped to be tonight was a party. She just wanted to curl up in her bed and read the novel 'Black girls die exhausted' that she got today from the library. But oh no! Lily would be damned if she let her not attend the last party of the semester before they headed off for their attachment. Begrudgingly Naina accepted to get Lily of her back but also curious as to what a party was actually like.

"You reek of sweat and loneliness, get a shower," Lily announced pulling her friend out of bed and pushing her into the shower with a laugh.

Not to long after, Naina was dressed in a short emerald dress that Lily had gotten her for her birthday last year. The dress hugged her body like a snag and complimented her dark chocolate skin, paired it with black stilettoes. With minimal makeup and her hair set in a bun with her edges lied out, she was ready for the night world to see her.


Making their way out of their apartment and to one of the sorority houses in their university -the Uzma Kappa sorority house- Naina did not forget to compliment her friend who was dressed in a blue jumpsuit that was showing just the right amount of tanned white skin on her chest and waist area, her strawberry blonde hair flowing down in waves with a wing-ed eyeliner to make her blue eyes pop.

Half an hour later, the girls were at the party and Naina was already regretting her decision of coming, the house was filled with people everywhere barely giving anyone personal space. The house reeked of alcohol, sweat and horny adults who were everywhere groping and sucking each other's face off. And to make it worse Lily had left her merely minutes after arriving muttering something she couldn't hear over the loud, ground shaking music.

"Finally got us a drink!" Lily shouted behind Naina pulling her attention from the dance floor.

"Where did you go?" Naina yelled over the music narrowing her eyes at her friend's messy look.

"Kitchen. Drinks. Lets go to the poolside," Lily said handing her a red solo cup before pulling her outside through the back door.

The pool didn't have many people only a handful of people were loitering around probably to get away from the stuffy air inside the house.

On one side of the pool stood a pool table surrounded by a few people and that was where Lily was currently dragging her to.

Taking a sip of her drink, she scrunched her face at the bitter drink before asking, "Vodka? No other drink? And why are we heading there?"

Despite not attending any parties, Naina had gotten drunk more than enough times to know a drink after a taste or two. After all how else would she deal with her misery.

"You'll see,"Lily whispered. Before greeting the guys at the table, well specifically one guy with a kiss leaving Naina standing behind her awkwardly staring at the other occupants at the table.

"Enough with the kissing lets continue the game," a guy at the other end of the table groaned effectively separating the two.

Naina knew about Lily's love life,if she can call it that, and the fact that she was kissing a different guy to whom she was with yesterday really didn't surprise her so she focused her mind to the current pool game happening.

She wasn't a fun of vodka cause of how quick it got her drunk, and the fact that Lily kept giving it to her meant she had something in mind, something that Naina definitely didn't wanna be apart of.

"Y'all know that Naina is good at this game?" Lily slurred pointing at her friend.

"So she is," the guy who separated the two mocked.

"She can play the next round," a guy on her left spoke.

"No-," she began to resist when Lily interrupted her.

"She would be delighted," Lily said before getting a hold on the guy she kissed and started pulling him away but not before she added. "Alex, you better take care of my friend".

"I definitely will," the guy on her left spoke confirming he was Alex.

Naina just stared at her friends retreating figure feeling as if  she had been played. Of course Lily was adamant because she thought that she need to get laid hence the vodka to loosen her up.

Before she got to yelling profanities at her friend who had already left,in her mind, a voice broke into her thoughts.

"It's your turn," Alex said.

Grabbing the stick he had stretch out, she got into position. Aiming the stick at the white ball with little strength she hit it making it collide with the other balls sending one rolling into the hole. That got the guys snickering saying it was beginners luck.

Getting into position again she sent the balls rolling and made it into the hole. Beginners luck was something she didn't believe in. She had spent half of her time when she was young at the pool's club with her friends just so she could stay away from home as long as she possibly could. Not to brag but she considered her self a pro and she would definitely take the guy who mocked her to school.

Just as she got the last ball into the hole their attention was pulled to the first floor of the Uzma kappa house where a fight seemed to have ensued.

And to Naina's shock it was between her best friend, the guy she was kissing and the guy Lily was with yesterday.

Expletives where been thrown around like no one's business and Lily been the person she was she started throwing stuff around destroying the room.

The scene before her reminded her of things she thought she had forgotten, making a lone tear roll down her cheek.