Chapter 7

You have to stay here and not get out. Or call anyone to come here. Is that clear?" 

"Yeah, Yeah. Don't speak to any of my drug-addict friends and stay indoors so I don't get pulled back till I am clean. Got it?", he replied, rolling his eyes.

"Can't you be serious for once?" Naina asked, getting annoyed by her brother's nonchalant behavior.

"You will be late. Don't worry i got this," Rick strolled in holding a cup of coffee, massaging his forehead to ease the hangover he must be having.

"No, we wouldn't want to bother you-" she began.

"You are not. C'mon we will be late," Lily said, pulling her friend with her, heading to the door.

"Bye" she yelled before shutting the door behind them.

"Is that how you are going?" Naina asked as they settled in Lily's car.

Lily was dressed in a pristine long white sleeved shirt with a short black skirt and paired it with black boot heels, her hair held in a messy bun from yesterday's party with Rick, her face caked with makeup and black sunglasses to hide the fact that she was still drunk, while Naina was in a black formal dress paired with low riding wedges. Her braided hair was in a high ponytail and her face void of make-up except lip gloss.

"Yeah," Lily shrugged as she pulled the car out of the driveway.

"Do you need me to pick you up?" Lily asked as they got to Moi Avenue, where the law firm that Naina was going for attachment was located.

"No. I wouldn't want to keep you here waiting for me, and you close early," Naina replied, grabbing her handbag.

"It won't be a bother," she tried.

"Its okay. I will find my way back.  Success," she said, highlighting the car.

"Success too," lily called back as she sped off to the next block where the art studio she was having her attachment was located in.

Sighing, Naina turned to look at the building that was going to set a rolling stone in her career.

Taking a step into the building, she was left in awe. The law firm office is a bustling space filled with organized chaos. Shelves lined with legal tomes, cluttered desks, and sleek conference rooms create an atmosphere of urgency and activity. The decor is simple yet elegant, with plush leather chairs and polished wooden desks adding sophistication. The room is bustling with the soft hum of voices discussing cases and strategies, creating a sense of professionalism and efficiency.

"Hello, may we be of help?" A middle-aged lady at the secretary's post asked, smiling.

"Uhh…hello," Naina said, trying to find words, feeling overwhelmed by the grandeur of the whole place. "Am starting my attachment today,"

"Your name please?"

"Naina Wa'ngombe,"

"Yes. You will be working under the divorce department. I will show you the way," she said, stepping behind the counter.

"By the way, my name is Renee. Welcome to Heather Law firm," she said, smiling.

"Thank you," Naina couldn't help but smile at Renee's friendly nature, making her less anxious about how the day would go by.

"Ms. Catherine?" She called, knocking on a white door that was slightly ajar with an insignia of one of the senior lawyers.

"Yes?" A voice called back.

"Ms. Naina is here," she replied.

"That's great. Please do come in. Renee, get us tea please," said a woman in her mid-fifties.

The woman was dressed in a pink skirt suit with a white camisole vest paired with black flats. Despite her age, her hair was still black, as a result of dye. She stood tall behind her office desk oozing an aura of confidence in her stance and manner of talking.

But something in her had Naina on her toes, not sure what it was but it was definitely not fear. Her eyes were somewhat friendly and seemed to pull her in.

"My name is Marie Wakhu, one of the partners in this firm and one of the divorce lawyers in this firm. Normally we wouldn't have a student so up here with what they call ' the bigshots'. But my assistant quit early this morning without notice. And i am highly in need of an assistant," the lady said as she sat down at the table.

"Why me?" Naina couldn't help but ask.

"Why you?" Marie repeated, looking down at her," Nothing special. I just asked for the first attachee to arrive. Which you were," she said.

"Ooh okay," Naina replied, eyes downcast and a little hurt at Marie's remark.

"Leila was an amazing assistant, you have huge shoes to fill. I don't expect problems to pop up," She said, perusing some papers in front of her.

"You have arrived on time, Renee, show her to her office and get her started of," Marie ordered immediately. Renee walked in with the tea.

"Of course. This way ms. Naina,"

Just the presence of the lady was enough to make Naina nervous, but the short speech she made was enough to make her start feeling uneasy and thereby clumsy. On getting up she pushed the desk, making it wobbly and almost spilling the tea on the papers that Marie was working on.

Whispering an apology, she quickly left the office and followed Renee.

"There is no need to be nervous. Marie is like that. Pretends to be stonehearted but is actually a sweetheart. Don't worry if you have any questions, just ask me," Renee consoled the nervous girl before walking away.

Left alone in her small office, Naina couldn't help but say a silent prayer that she would bring shame upon herself, especially since her office was the direct opposite to Marie's office.

Taking a seat, she picked a small notebook that had a pink sticky note written 'Marie's schedule' Which Naina was very much grateful for because she didn't know where to start.

"Ms.Marie, the 11 o'clock meeting with Henry Hunderson is about to begin. And he has arrived," Naina replied, popping her head into her office.

"Right on time. Take this and let's go," Marie said, standing up.

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Hunderson, hello Keith," she greets some of the people in the board room when she get in.

"I would prefer it if you called me, Grace," Mrs Hunderson, a young lady seated across a sharply dressed man, spoke up.

"Of course," Marie replied, taking a seat next to her.

"Hello, i am Keith Njiru, Mr. Hunderson's Lawyer and this here is my assistant Christian", a tall man in a black suit introduces him.

"And this is my new assistant, Naina. Please have a seat," Marie offers.

Taking a seat opposite the other assistant, she is shocked to see that it is Christian the school president. Unable to keep her mouth shut, she utters  "you?"