Chapter 11

The training facility exclusively for Novice cadets is about ten minutes away from Dorm 1. It is a large area covering about a thousand square meters. The space is filled with training stations and different types of weapons which helps them learn and improve their skills.

Students being students, they don't want to train immediately on the very first day of school. But there's this one pervert who enjoyed training from the first day instead of slacking off.

Angela spotted Cypher practicing inside the gym station as she entered the training facility.

"Just as I suspected, you're here."

Cypher who was drenched in sweat and busy assaulting the poor punching bag, suddenly widened his eyes as he looked where it came from.

"Angela? What are you doing here?"

"To train of course. But I won't be a monster like you. Just look at what you did to the punching bag."

Angela wryly smiled to him as she pointed at a room.

He looked at where she's pointing at and immediately frowned.

A gravitation room.

"I hate that one. It's hard for me train in there."

Cypher grabbed a towel hanging on the bench as he swiped his sweaty forehead.

"It's necessary for me. I'm an archer and also I've been training as early as 10 years old."


"Yup. I have also one like this in my house."

Cypher didn't answer.

'I guess she came from a noble background. Judging on what she said, setting up a gravitation room like that must cost millions of Glacium.'

Angela also came from a 6th generation conglomerate just like Edge. Rather than being superior to others, she believed that she could defeat her opponents by self-training but her belief always wavered when she's in front of him.

"...Right. Do you know that we have a knife fighter in our class now?"

"Knife fighter? Oh yeah. Emillia or whatever."

"Yeah... Uhmm... Why's your face like that?"

Angela is wearing a twisted face[1] as she annoyingly replied.

"Hah. She's not considered as a knife fighter. A small weapon like that? She can only inflict small wounds to her enemies. I don't why that Emillia chose a dagger."

Cypher wanted to correct Remillia's name but chose not to since Angela was a little bit angry.

"Maybe she already gave up being a cadet. She's likely to be staying here for a while before she faces expulsion."

"Gave up? Don't say something like that. Nevertheless, she's still out classmate and fellow cadet."

Angela finally exploded. With anger firing at her eyes, she glared at Cypher who now sees him as her opponent.

"Who are you to tell me what to do and not to do?"

Realizing that she let down her guard, she immediately sobered up and looked at Cypher.

"Cypher... Sorry for lashing out on you."

"That's okay. Keep working hard, I'm going now."

"Yeah. See you later."

Cypher finally headed out.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Twisted face [1]: a facial expression that shows disapproval, disgust, or pain, such as grimace.