Chapter 17

Right when my legs were about to give out. Again. We found our target Monster sleeping on the mud. Only it's pores and closed eyes was seen while it was breathing heavily.

Whitney signaled the two to go near the Monster while trying not to disturb its sleep. Immediately Junichi and Gregg took out their sword and axe.

"When you ambush it, make sure that the two of you fall back and be on standby since the pores will immediately throw hundreds of baby toads at us, wait for my signal before you kill the body. Fighters need to save their mana as much as possible. Quivixx regenerate fast so we need to swiftly remove its back in a single attack."

'What about me? Should I just stand here?'

Generally, I should be the one destroying the baby toads since I can also do ranged attacks using my daggers. The main body is easy to kill but it's regenerative powers is what makes it hard to kill in a single blow. You must find its critical spot first before completely killing it.

She's slowly getting on my nerves. Fighting the urge to speak, I just stood behind them.


Junichi and Gregg ran side by side while making a noise to disturb its sleep.



The Monster finally opened its eyes, as it rose from the mud. It looked around to spot the one who disturb its sleep. Finally, locking eyes into them. The quivixx turned its back on us. As the pores started to open and close.

"Junichi! Greg! Get out of the way!"

Hundreds of baby toads shoot up in the sky flying towards us.

Whitney readied her whip, infusing with mana as she was about to attack. However, I acted first one step away. I stepped forward as I readied my daggers.

"Knife girl! Move back!"

I ignored her. I want to show to them that I can also fight alongside with my team.

'Serenade of Daggers.'

As soon as I activated my skill, my eyes glowed golden as my vision became clearer as time slowed down. I could see and predict the movements of the baby toads.

A serenade of daggers flew to the air back and forth every nanosecond.

After I shot about a hundred daggers, my vision slowly became normal as the time started moving again normally. As I caught the last dagger that's coming back to me, the last baby toad fell.

Suddenly I fell dizzy as my vision began to blur. I slumped down the ground as I looked at them.

"Wha-What happened?"

The three of them were in a daze as they only saw 1 or 2 daggers flying through the air and hitting the baby toads accurately.

Finally snapping out of their confusion, they started to move. Whitney was the first to notice me so she immediately stood in front of me to protect me.

"Let's move."

"Quickly before the main body regenerates again!"

"Slash it now!"

The two immediately ran to the Quivixx to damage its body while Whitney used her mana-infused whip to join the battle of the sword and axe.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

The battle in defeating the Quivixx was successful. It ended about 5 minutes and 36 seconds.

Whitney completed her support role brilliantly. Supporting the two fighters while protecting the marksman.

While she was resting behind a tree. She suddenly turned towards me.

"Why didn't you follow my orders?" She's smiling but her eyes says otherwise. She was furious. But I didn't care, I would annoy anyone else if ever you dare ignore me.

"Ahh that? Well, you didn't give me any order so I did what I just did a while ago."

I was also smiling. A type of smile that can really annoy the one you're talking.

Before she could retort, two insensitive fighters ran towards us.

"It was you, right? The one who singlehandedly killed all the babby toads? Without you we could have killed that Monster in 20 minutes! I didn't know that daggers can do that."

"That was amazing! How can you do that?"

Junichi and Gregg exclaimed in excitement. They were both covered in green blood and mucus.

I quickly backed away as the stench of Quivixx is getting stronger by the second.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~


Monster Hunting Ranking

1st Team 1 (Time: 5 minutes 21 seconds)

2nd Team 3 (Time: 8 minutes 11 seconds)


5th Team 5 (Time: 12 minutes 01 second)




10th Team 7 (Time: 35 minutes 56 seconds)





10th place out of 50 teams.

As usual, the first team to finish is Cypher, second one is Edge. Her face turned bitter as she saw Angela's team is higher than them.

Whitney was stopping herself to blame her teammates especially Remillia.

'We could have finished in the 3rd place if it were not only for that knife girl.'

"As you all noticed, each of you have Drones that filmed everything. No need to worry since it will be individual grades. However the drones that filmed your performance will be sent to your smart watches. Make sure to watch them and analyze where you need to improve your combat skills, how to counter those Monsters and so on."

Jude explained on why there are drones following them.

Whitney slightly turned her head and looked behind her. A girl was rubbing her eyes as she tried to stop herself from snoozing.

Whitney can't help but become annoyed again. It's her fault why they were in 10th place because of her lack of stamina so they couldn't reach the location of the monster quickly. What should have taken just 10 minutes in running ended up taking 30 minutes.

But it was also thanks to her that they managed to end up tenth. Her fast reflexes eliminated all the baby toads in just 2 seconds. Since killing all the baby toads requires at least 20 minutes, it could be said that Remillia really played a big role.

But of course, she still played the biggest role as she was the one who really killed the Quivixx's body.