Chapter 19


I was slammed to ground.


'Huh? Wha- How did I get here? Did I sleep walk?'

Turns out, I only had 2 FREAKING HOURS OF SLEEP! And our class for today is Physical Training. My body is still aching all over.

Physical Training. This class is simply about sparring with each other. Two students will form a pair, then they choose their modified training weapons. This weapons make the sparring less painful.

This time we have a female instructor, Evelyn Scoria.

I looked around. Cypher is paired up with Rex and Edge is paired up with Christian. Since I'm the only student who chose dagger, I have no one to spar up with. In the end, I was the only one who's paired up with the instructor.

'How did I even get to class?'

"Ms. Remillia why are you still lying down? Get up!"

I can't move my body. If I move, my body aches all over. In addition to that, I also have scratches all over my legs and arms due to the training. My face was still flat on the floor, gasping for breath while I answered.

"Ma'am... I surrender."

"This is an order! Get up now, Remillia Lockhart!"

My head hurts at the constant shout the Instructor is making. Sighing, I finally stood up and turned to look at her.

"That's the spirit!"

"Ma'am... I really can't do it anymore."

"Nonsense. Give it your all, I can take it"

'Good luck to you...'

Just a minute later, the instructor was sweaty as she's busy evading and attacking back, she seems to be the one giving her all than me.

It also goes the same to me, I'm sweating and slightly trembling since I can't carry my body anymore. Starting to get annoyed, I rushed forward and scratched her arm and legs hoping to make her stop. Instead, I was the one who fell down again.

Seeing as blood started to drip on the scratch I made, she got angry and grabbed me by the collar.

"Get up! We still have 30 minutes!"

"Can't I just rest? I'm tired."

"No can do."

"I can't continue anymore..."

"Yes you can! Now sta-....."

I didn't hear her annoying rants anymore as my eyelids began to feel heavy so as my daggers. I was smiling ear to ear eagerly waiting to enter the gates of Dreamland when suddenly the gates slammed shut slapping my face in the process.


It slapped me in the cheek!

I jolted up and saw that my instructor was the one who slapped me. She was tackling me.

'This is the last straw... How dare you slap me.'

I was fuming from madness as I used my remaining strength to reverse tackle her.


"You f*cker! Caught you now hahahaha!"

I forcefully bit some of her hair and a few seconds later she was screaming like a banshee.




A few of them gasped, others burst out in laughter while the majority of them dropped their jaws on the floor as if witnessing something unbelievable.

All our surroundings went silent.

Me and the instructor were the only one who's noisy.


'Nope! I'm definitely gonna enjoy chewing off your hair! AHHAHAHA.'

I pulled back as far as I can while still biting her hair. I didn't mind the other students watching us with entertainment and weirdness. I want payback for slapping me.


I think I lost my mind because of the lack of sleep and over fatigue but I was laughing internally. I didn't notice that her hand escaped as she finally knocked me out.

The next day, I can't remember anything about what happened so I just let it pass. My classmates won't even answer as they just laugh and look at me weirdly.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Although Glacial Sphere Academy strictly trains their students to become future Heroes, it was this time of the month where students can freely join what club they want. The seniors are already recruiting the novice students to join in their clubs. Students can join many Clubs as they want to. However, you can also choose not to join any.

Clubs are created to relieve the student's stress from studying, training, and killing Monsters. There are hundreds of clubs that you can enjoy from, you can join clubs from where your hobby or academic stands such as swimming, training, arts, music, soccer, studying and more.

I, of course, need to join clubs where the main characters are. I intend to stay close to the storyline as possible.

'Let's see... Cypher, Angela, Christian, and Whitney joined Wandering Club. I don't know what other Clubs they joined and of course I'm not interested in Edge on what Club he chose.'

Joining the Wandering Club was an obvious choice. I can join all their other Clubs but let's face it, I only have one body and I can't fit it all in my schedule plus I have to train late at night. EVERYDAY. I can only choose up to three Clubs.

The Wandering Club had only about 15 people including me that will be soon joining. I set it this way in the original novel since having more people join the Club will be more troublesome.

Debate Club and Field Sports Club.

'I have no choice. I just wish that my club's schedule won't overlap each other.'

I filled all my application papers and passed it from the Club leaders.

After class ended, I checked my smart watch to see any notifications and as if my prayers were answered, Debate Club is on Tuesdays, Field Sports Club is on Thursdays, and Wandering Club is on Saturday and Sundays.