This is The Norma

In the year 2222, the world had evolved in ways that would have been unimaginable to previous generations. Technology had become so advanced that people could now live well beyond their natural lifespans, with many choosing to seek euthanasia around the age of 150. Yet amidst this world of artificial longevity, the Norma family stood out as a bastion of tradition, choosing to live their lives according to the natural order of things.

John Norma, the patriarch of the family, was a sprightly 60-year-old with a tall, broad-shouldered build and a strong, square jaw. His once-dark hair was now flecked with silver, but his kind eyes still sparkled with the same vitality they had in his youth. John was a skilled constructor, able to build and fix anything with his own two hands, a talent that was becoming increasingly rare in a world where machines did most of the work.

His wife, Simply, was a warm and nurturing presence, her petite frame belying the strength of her character. At 58 years old, she still had the same long, blonde hair and bright blue eyes that had captivated John when they first met. Simply was the heart of the family, always ready with a comforting word, a hilarious "mom joke," or a delicious meal made from the produce grown in their lush garden.

At 22 years old, Hydro was the epitome of the strong, silent type. He had inherited his father's tall, lean build and his mother's blonde hair, but it was his quiet intensity that truly set him apart. ¬_¬ A chemistry genius with a deep understanding of plants and soil, Hydro spent most of his time tending to the family's sprawling garden, his green thumb and meticulous nature yielding bountiful harvests year after year. When he wasn't in the garden, Hydro could often be found in the kitchen, baking delicious treats from the fruits of his labor, his stoic demeanor belying the passion he poured into every dish.

Two years younger than Hydro, Oxy was a math prodigy with a gift for fashion design. His deep brown hair and hazel eyes, which seemed to change color depending on the light, had earned him more than his fair share of admirers over the years. But it was his quick wit, easy charm, and exceptional mathematical skills that truly made him stand out. Oxy's innate understanding of complex equations and geometric principles allowed him to create stunning garments that were as mathematically precise as they were visually appealing. And if those garments just happened to catch the eye of a pretty girl or two, well, that was just a bonus. ;)

At just 2 years old, Nitro was the youngest of the Norma brothers, but his intellectual abilities were already far beyond his years. With his light brown hair and bright blue eyes, he was a linguistic prodigy, able to speak and understand multiple languages with ease, a skill that had become increasingly rare in a world where English had become the universal language. In the bio-domes, only a small group of linguistic enthusiasts still bothered to learn languages like French, German, Japanese, or Chinese, but Nitro had eagerly devoured them all. His mind was like a sponge, soaking up information from every source he could find. Nitro's insatiable curiosity and quick wit often led him to engage in lively debates with his family and friends, always ready to share his knowledge on a wide range of subjects. However, his know-it-all attitude could sometimes be grating, especially to his older brothers who often found themselves on the receiving end of his lectures. Despite this, Nitro's family recognized his incredible intellect and knew that he was destined for great things.

As the Norma brothers grew and developed their unique skills, they remained an unbreakable unit, their individual strengths and weaknesses complementing each other perfectly. They knew that, no matter what challenges or triumphs life might bring their way, they would always have each other to lean on. And with parents like John and Simply to guide them, they knew that they could face anything the world might throw at them, armed with the unshakeable foundation of family.

As the sun began to set on another day in the bio-dome, the Norma family gathered around their dinner table, the warm glow of Simply's home-cooked meal casting a comforting light over their faces. John sat at the head of the table, his strong hands gently folded in front of him as he listened to his sons share stories of their day.

Hydro spoke of his latest gardening project, his eyes lighting up as he described the new hybrid plant he was developing. "I've cross-pollinated the tomatoes with the bell peppers," he said, a hint of excitement creeping into his usually stoic tone. "I'm calling them 'Toma-pepers.'" :)

Oxy, meanwhile, regaled them with tales of his most recent fashion creations, his animated gestures and quick laughter filling the room with warmth. "I've designed a new line of mathematically-inspired clothing," he grinned. "I call it 'Geo-metric Fashion.' It's sure to make a statement!" ^o^

Not to be outdone, Nitro launched into a detailed explanation of a new language he had just mastered, his words tumbling out in an excited rush. "Did you know that in Japanese, the word for 'calculator' is 'dentaku'?" he said, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "It literally means 'electric brain'!" O_O

Simply watched her boys with a proud smile, marveling at the unique talents and personalities of each one. :') She knew that, in a world where conformity was often prized above all else, her sons' individuality was a rare and precious gift. 

"You know," she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief, "I've been working on a new recipe for 'Toma-pepers.' I call it 'Toma-temper Tantrum.' It's so spicy, it'll make you want to throw a fit!" ;D

The boys groaned at their mother's joke, but they couldn't hide their smiles. -_- Simply's "mom jokes" were a cherished part of their family dinners, even if they were a bit on the corny side.

As the meal drew to a close, John leaned back in his chair, a contented grin on his face. ^_^ "You know, boys," he said, "in this world of high-tech gadgets and virtual realities, it's easy to forget what really matters. But as long as we have each other, and your mother's terrible jokes, I think we'll be just fine."

The boys laughed, nodding in agreement. :) They knew that their family's quirky, old-fashioned ways might seem strange to some, but it was those very quirks that made them who they were. 

As the family began to clear the table, Simply couldn't resist one last joke. "Why did the scarecrow win an award?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Because he was outstanding in his field!" XD

The boys groaned once more, but their laughter filled the room. =D It was just another typical evening in the Norma household, where laughter, love, and terrible puns reigned supreme.