Friendship, Fashion, and Speculation

Flux and Oxy were hanging out in Oxy's workshop, enjoying each other's company as they worked on their respective projects. Flux, his green hair a vibrant contrast to the muted colors of the workshop, was helping Oxy with a new fashion design, offering suggestions and encouragement. (^▽^)

"Hey, Oxy, what do you think about adding a splash of color here?" Flux asked, pointing to a specific spot on the design sketch. "Maybe a bright orange or a deep purple?"

Oxy, his brow furrowed in concentration, nodded thoughtfully. "I like the idea of purple, Flux. (^ω^) It would add a nice contrast to the overall design and give it a regal touch."

As they continued to brainstorm and refine the design, Flux found himself increasingly drawn to Oxy's enthusiasm and creativity. There was something about the fashionable Norma that made Flux feel more alive, more inspired, though he couldn't quite explain why. (・・)

"You know, Oxy, I really admire your passion for fashion," Flux said, his voice sincere. "You have a way of bringing your ideas to life that's just... magical." (@^▽^@)

Oxy, looking up from his work, grinned at Flux. "Aww, thanks, buddy! (^◇^) I couldn't do it without my trusty assistant and idea-bouncer extraordinaire!"

Flux laughed, feeling a pleasant warmth spreading through his chest at Oxy's words. "I'm just happy to be a part of the creative process, Oxy. (^▽^) It's always a blast working with you."

As Flux and Oxy continued to work on the fashion design, their laughter and playful banter filled the workshop. Oxy held up a particularly colorful fabric swatch, grinning mischievously. "Hey, Flux, what do you think about using this for the accent piece? (^ω^)"

Flux, his eyes widening at the bold pattern, chuckled. "Wow, Oxy, that's... definitely a statement! (@_@) Are you sure it won't be too much?"

Oxy, feigning offense, placed a hand over his heart. "Too much? Flux, my dear friend, there's no such thing as 'too much' in the world of fashion! ( ̄ω ̄) It's all about making a bold impression and leaving a lasting memory!"

Flux, shaking his head in amusement, held up his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright, you're the expert! (^▽^) I trust your judgment, oh great fashion guru!"

Just then, Nitro poked his head into the workshop, his curious gaze landing on the two friends. "What's all the commotion about? ( ̄ー ̄) I could hear your laughter from the other room."

Oxy, grinning proudly, held up the design sketch. "Nitro, my favorite little genius! Come take a look at this masterpiece in the making! (^◇^)"

Nitro, his expression serious, approached the workbench and studied the design intently. "Hmm... interesting choice of colors and patterns. ( ̄ー ̄) Based on my analysis of current fashion trends and psychological color theory, I'd say this design has an 87.3% chance of being well-received by your target audience."

Flux and Oxy exchanged a look of surprise, then burst out laughing. "Well, there you have it, Oxy!" Flux exclaimed, wiping a tear of mirth from his eye. "You've got the official Nitro stamp of approval! (^▽^)"

Oxy, ruffling Nitro's hair affectionately, chuckled. "Thanks, little bro! (^ω^) Your input means the world to me, even if it's a bit... technical."

Nitro, looking slightly confused but pleased nonetheless, smiled. "I'm always happy to offer my expertise. ( ̄ω ̄) But remember, I'm only two years old, so take my advice with a grain of salt!"

As Flux, Oxy, and Nitro continued to chat and laugh about the fashion design, Hydro walked into the workshop, his expression as cool as ever. "What's with all the noise? (¬_¬) I could hear you guys from the garden."

Oxy, his eyes sparkling with excitement, waved his brother over. "Hydro, my man! Come check out this awesome design Flux and I have been working on! (^◇^)"

Hydro, his eyebrow raised skeptically, approached the workbench and glanced at the sketch. "It's... colorful," he remarked, his tone neutral. (¬_¬)

Flux, sensing Hydro's lack of enthusiasm, grinned. "Aw, come on, Hydro! Don't you think it's perfect for making a bold statement? (^▽^)"

Hydro shrugged, his expression unchanging. "I suppose, if your statement is 'I raided a rainbow's closet.' (¬_¬)"

Oxy, clutching his heart in mock offense, gasped. "Hydro, you wound me! (>﹏<) This design is the epitome of avant-garde fashion!"

Nitro, chiming in with his analytical perspective, nodded. "Actually, Hydro's comment about the rainbow closet is quite apt. ( ̄ー ̄) The color scheme does seem to draw inspiration from the visible light spectrum."

Flux, trying to stifle a laugh, patted Oxy on the back. "Don't worry, Oxy. I'm sure Hydro is just jealous of your incredible fashion sense. (^▽^)"

Hydro, rolling his eyes, crossed his arms. "Yes, that must be it. (¬_¬) I'm just green with envy over here."

Oxy, perking up at Hydro's words, grinned. "Green, you say? (^ω^) That gives me an idea for the next design! A monochromatic green ensemble!"

Flux, unable to contain his laughter any longer, doubled over in mirth. "Oh, man! Hydro, look what you've done! (^▽^) You've created a fashion monster!"

Hydro, a tiny smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, shook his head. "Just don't come crying to me when you're mistaken for a walking salad. (¬_¬)"

As the four of them continued to banter and joke, the workshop filled with laughter and good-natured teasing. Despite Hydro's cool exterior, it was clear that he cared for his brother and friends, even if he showed it in his own unique way. (^ω^)