
Stacey screamed and hid her face into Gwen's chest, crying. The whole group was frightened by the scene, the hand banged on the door. Before it disappeared, only to be followed by the door swinging open. Leo grabbed the collars on his dogs, as they growled. After a few minutes a women crawled into the room, bleeding and weak. But something was off about her.

"Holy shit!" Jake yelled.

There was a large piece of wood sticking out of the women's back, right where her heart should be. While the group was freaking out the women was dragged backwards by something. After a few minutes of silence there was a whistle.

"We need to get out of here!" Marrissa yelled, she knew what that whistle was from, and knew her friends were in danger. 

"What the hell is going on!?" Chase panicked. 

"Trappers! They'll hunt you guys down! They hunt and kill monsters, and sadly for you, they think you guys are monsters! No one comes here anymore!" Marrissa explained as the group ran out of the room. 

"Отлично, просто великолепно! Когда я думаю, что все будет хорошо, за нами охотятся!" Leo thought as he ran.

The group slid around a corner only to end up face to face with a group of people. They looked raggedy, and as if they hadn't lived in civilization for years. The group stood there frozen, the silence broken by Marrissa.

"Trappers." Was all she said as she looked at the other group.

The group of, "Trappers" took a few cautious steps towards the teenagers. 

"Well look what we have here, a group of teenagers." One of the trappers, a tall African American male, spoke. He had on a black cowboy hat on and a pair of beat up cowboy boots under his worn blue jeans. He had a crooked smile, and a shotgun in his hands. "Well ain't ya kids in the wrong side of town, ain't no one gonna come lookin' for y'all." The man laughed. 

Stacey had her camera out, recording. One of the trappers noticed and glared at her. 

"Turn the camera off, missy." One of the trappers said, this one wore a black leather jacket, and had a row of rotten crooked teeth. He held a beer in his hand, and a pistol in the other. 

Stacey backed up still recording, her voice coming out shaky. "J-just let us leave, you d-dumb people. Y-your just trailer trash!" 

One of the trappers sighed and whispered, her voice filled with a heavy southern accent. "Wrong move suga'.." The girl had a cowgirl hat on, a pair of blue jeans and brand new cowgirl boots. She looked to be in pretty good shape, better than the others. 

"What you call me?!" The trapper in the leather yelled.

"I said your trailer trash!" Stacey yelled back, still recording. 

"Now now, don't be getting all worked up, we just wanna put ya out yer misery." One of the trappers said, her voice filled with a British accent. 

Leo moved and stood in front of Stacey, his dogs growling by his sides. "Please excuse my sister, she's not very good at being social. We were just," Before he could finish the British trapper pointed a shotgun at him. "Holy shit." Was all he managed to mutter out. 

Jake was standing in the back, watching, he didn't know what to do. There was a few minutes of tense silence before Jake spoke, "Don't shoot." was all he said. 

"And why the hell would we listen to ya?" The cowboy trapper asked. 

"Because I know my way around the building. I know every inch of this place." Jake said stepping forward. Leo gave Jake a look, begging him to shut his mouth. But he didn't listen, instead he kept talking. "Let my friends go and I'll be your personal guide." 

"And how do we know ya ain't lying to us?" The trapper in the leather asked. 

"What reason do I have to lie, when you are threatening my friends. I know damn well, one wrong move, and we're all dead." Jake explained. 

The trappers hesitated the shotgun in Leo's face slowly lowered. 

This time Leo spoke up, "You guys hunt creatures right?" he asked.

"SO what if we do?" The cowboy asked.

"We ran into a shrieker a while back." Leo explained. 

"WHERE!?" The British trapper asked, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Before Leo could respond another trapper approached, the leader maybe? He was dressed in a white tank top, and green camo cargo jeans. He had a rifle slung over his back. 

"I don't care what they know or what they saw, they know to much. Kill them." The male said. 

The group froze, while the trappers began to laugh. 

"Oh hell yeah, we got good hunting today!" The British yelled, as she laughed. 

The group quickly turned and ran, the trappers staying close on their trail. Jake led the group deeper into the building. The whole time Stacey was still recording, the deeper they ran, the scary it got. The rooms they ran passed had writing on the walls, and papers were thrown about. The trappers fired at them with their shotguns, but kept missing. Almost as if they were toying with the group, scaring them just enough to keep them running. Like they were trying to tire them out, before killing them. Leo was mentally freaking out, he should have known better. He never should have gone against his gut feeling to leave. He should have been more stern maybe then they wouldn't be in this mess.

However he was soon pulled out of his thoughts by Christine tripping.

"Shit." He mumbled as he stopped to help her up.

Her heeled boots obviously proved to be an issue, but in her defense she didn't know they would be running for their lives. She quickly stopped and took off her heels before running again, this time keeping up with the group. They kept running until they came across a room, there were old stains on the walls. A color of reddish brown, Jake slammed the door shut and quickly barricaded it. 

"Is that blood!?" Megan shrieked pointing at the reddish brown stains on the walls. 

Jake quickly hugged Megan holding her face to his chest. "Shhh I'm sure it's old, we're gonna be fine." He whispered trying to comfort her. 

Christine slid down to the floor against the wall and put her shoes back on.

"Why do you always have to wear heels!?" Chase asked.

"I didn't know we would be running for our lives!" She countered. 

"Ok but we you knew we would be exploring an old asylum! What part of that screams 'I should wear heels' to you!?" He yelled back. 

"I wanted to look nice, at least if I die I'll die in style!" She shouted back. 

"Both of your shut the fuck up!" Riley shouted, having been silent the whole time. "If your going to fight over stupid shit then you might as well both try your luck out there!" 

The group grew silent, they had never had someone tell them something like that before. 

Leo cleared his throat. "Ahem, uh babe you look really nice. And Chase, you know Chrissy, she won't wear anything but heels." Leo said trying to ease the tension. 

Chase rolled his eyes and sat down with Andrea. The group stayed there, afraid of being hunted again if they were to leave. 

  1. This translates to: Great, just great! Just when I think everything will be fine, we are hunted!
    In Russian, sorry if I got it wrong, I don't mean to offend anyone.