25: Into the Dark Web

Time: 20:05. Location: White Lily Avenue, Mayers house.

Veronica sits down in front of the PC, inserts the red USB into the CPU, straightens her back in the chair, and waits a few seconds until the screen (whose background is the classic Windows hill image) shows the external device recognized warning. Open the device, inside is a Word file and a folder full of photographs and Ukrainian news screenshots. Before she starts to unravel, Veronica puts on the headphones and plays the Lofi girl's study music, playing at a low volume to be on the lookout for her father or brother knocking on the door.

The first part of the Word file lays out what Clint already explained, with extra details like the name of the nightclub burned down by Alikhan (Morrigan Club), or a vague summary of Oleksandr's military life.