61: Master key

Time: 17:16. Location: Guest area, Oleksandr Onyshchenko's home.

Brunhild worked at the Cour du Corbeau in France, the Damier in Belgium, the Alte Goste in Italy, and several of the finest hotels in her home country of Germany, including Freiburg Castle in Baden-Württemberg. Stefan lets her talk, only interrupting from time to time to express interest.

"Universal, immense, unique, alone and above all: mysterious and erudite, sea and cloud, foam and wave, Sheba's queen, my treasure..." Stefan paraphrases a few verses.

Brunhild shudders and looks at the student with surprise and a gleam of growing interest in her eyes.

"Do you know poetry?" asks the head maid.

"A bit" In fact, he got to participate in a multiculturalism exhibition at the Hoover instinct, his topic being focused on Spanish-American icons, thus learning about the literature of magical realism and also about the poetry of Rubén Darío.