Chapter 2:Secret Melody Master.

Wen Mingye sat on the floor for an hour and ended up falling asleep for the following three hours. It was evening and darkness had pried into the earth. His attendant Xue Yao walked in carrying dinner. The room was dark so he walked carefully and placed the tray of food carefully on the table. He lit the candles and woke Wen Mingye up to take his food before it got cold.

"Your Highness,it's dinner time."

"Put it away I'm not eating it."

"But your Highness you haven't eaten since last night if this continues I'm afraid..."Xue Yao hesitated a bit.

"You're afraid what?"

"Nothing. Anyway you should eat your food."

"What time is it?"

"Half past seven."

"That's good,"Wen Mingye smiled out of a sudden.

"Your Highness why are you smiling?"

"Rather than staying in this cold room I might as well enjoy myself during this cold weather out there. What was the name of the entertainment house where Shan used to go?"

"Willow Dance House."

"Let's go there,"Wen Mingye said excitedly.

"Your Highness you're finally becoming sensible,"Xue Yao was so happy to see his master able to smile again that he didn't use the right choice of words completely forgetting the kind of relationship they had.

"So you're saying I've been insensible all along?"

Wen Mingye pinched Xue Yao's ear playfully.Xue Yao brought Wen Mingye a black fur cloak and helped him put it on. They then headed out.

Willow Dance House was one of the most vibrant places in Mingzhou known for its appreciation of music and dance through the beautiful girl dancers there. Officials and rich businessmen spent most of their nights there enjoying the seductive dances performed by the girls and drinking with the dance girls.

A pair of twenty two year old twin girls were walking together searching through all the rooms back stage searching for someone. On their way they asked a few girl dancers the whereabouts of the one they were looking for but it seemed they didn't know as well.

"Have you seen A-Yue?" one of the twins asked.

"He's still in his room. He doesn't want to perform since you're forcing him to wear red robes and he hates colour red."

"This arrogant brat,I'll grind him into powder once I catch him."The twin girls hurriedly left the backstage.

The twins entered in one of the rooms upstairs. A twenty year old guy was seated at the dressing table wearing coral red inner robes and a black mask covering the whole of his face.

"Why aren't you dressed up fully yet?"

" Is it a must I wear this color of robes?"

"Yes because it matches the theme of the song we're performing."

"But you're not performing a love song and I'm not the one performing."

"Mind you you're part of the performance team and for your information the song we're performing is actually a love song."

"Then you should wear scarlet red not coral red,"the guy argued back.

"Any shade of color red is fine."

"Fine you win,"the guy conceded defeat and dressed up.

Wen Mingye and Xue Yao entered Willow Dance House disguising themselves to avoid more gossips. They settled among other guests who were watching a dance performance by Fan Xiyun,one of the most beautiful and famous performers of Willow Dance House. People threw all kinds of gifts on stage to tip her.

"Your Highness,this is Fan Xiyun,Fairy Fan one of the most beautiful dancers here,"Xue Yao whispered.

"Don't call me your Highness. And also she's not the performer Shan used to talk about. Aren't there any other beautiful dancers other than her?"

"They are. So many of them."

Fan Xiyun concluded her performance by humbling curtseying with a lustful smile lingering on her beautiful face. She welcomed the twins to the stage with the guy from earlier with them. People cheered on them more than Fan Xiyun.

"These are the Honeyed Twins, the founders of this dance house."

The twenty two year old Honeyed Twins were Mizi Lian 'the Honeyed Lotus ' and Mizi Xue ' the Honeyed Snow' and the guy behind them was Mizi Yue their younger brother,a music composer and instrumentalist who hardly revealed his face in the Dance House but it was rumoured ththat he was very beautiful.

"They are definitely the ones Shan used to talk about. Shan always wanted to see the face of that masked man but he never got a chance. He even told me he approached him backstage a couple of times but still he never saw his face."

"Yeah. His name is Mizi Yue but his fans call him Bimi Yinshi as in Secret Melody Master."