Chapter 22: A She- Devil.

Mizi Yue was on his way to Wenxue Hall when he encountered Wen Xiang on her way too.

"Your Highness,"Mizi Yue greeted her with a slight bow.

"Sir Mizi. Why aren't you calling me Princess today?"She asked in a cheerful voice her lips curving into a bright smile as the morning sun.

"I intentionally waited for you to make sure you don't break your promise," Wen Xiang continued speaking her voice sounding more enthusiastic.

"I'm a man of my word,"Mizi Yue said snapping a fan open and gave it to her. It had the exact design as the one he gave Yu Qianyue.

"Sir Mizi how many fans of this kind do you have?"

"I don't even know the exact number."

"Were they made by the same person?" She asked curiously.

"Yes,"Mizi Yue replied bluntly.