Chapter 29: Renewal Cream.

"Can I borrow a novel to read?"Wen Mingye requested as he approached him.

Mizi Yue opened the drawer displaying a number of novels.

"Pick one,"he instructed.

"What if I want the one you're reading?"

Mizi Yue closed the book and handed it over to him in compliance.

"Sir Mizi why are so nice to me even when I'm a jerk to you?"Wen Mingye asked curiously.

"Because you remind me of my younger brother,"Mizi Yue said smiling benignly.

"Your younger brother? How are we alike?"

"His name was Mizi Ying. If he was still alive he would be the same age as you. He was mean spirited like you but he was at soft heart."

"Sorry to ask but how did he die?"

"He contracted some kind of deadly disease when he was ten years."

"Sorry for your loss."

"That's why I treat you like a younger brother."