Chapter 47: First Confession.

"What are you looking at?"Xiao Rui asked as he leaned closer to Yunhe Xing and squinted his eyes.

"The Imperial Palace is a place full of love, don't you think?"she spoke in an affectionate voice and facepalmed herself.

Yunhe Xing was standing at the doorstep watching the interaction between Xue Yao and Wan Wan. The two seemed intimate and Yunhe Xing couldn't help but notice it.

"Those two like each other,"Xiao Rui said in affirmation.

"You can see that too ?"Yunhe Xing turned around excitedly having found someone with the same interest as her,"You know I watched them together with Yu Qianyue and she said she couldn't feel any spark between the two."

"Speaking of your desk mate Yu Qianyue, I don't think Sir Mizi likes her."

"I also feel that way too. Anyway who among the royal siblings do you think Sir Mizi likes?"