Chapter 49:Wipe the Slate Clean.

The door was knocked and someone walked in. Xue Yao came in carrying a tray of food.

"You haven't had your lunch yet ,right?"

"I think we're staying in the same innhouse so I can order my lunch when I go back to my room."

"Are you not feeling hungry?"

"It's not that. I feel embarrassed about many things. Can we talk later when I regain my composure?"Mizi Yue asked as he sprung from the bed,made it and left the room without saying an extra word.

"Why is behaving so weird?"Xue Yao asked curiously.

Wen Mingye was so busy thinking that he didn't pay attention to Xue Yao. Mizi Yue was still giving him a cold shoulder and this made him even more sad on top of the death anniversary of his best friend.