Chapter 58: Another Bamboo Shadow.

Mizi Lian stood still as Wang Chao fixed the dress she was wearing. The proximity between them rendered Mizi Lian nervous. She could feel herself breathing heavily and this made her even more uneasy.

"Why don't I take off this dress and wear another one so you can take your time to fix this one?"Mizi Lian suggested.

"No need it's faster this way because you have to perform tonight."

"Do you usually do this to your other clients when their clothes have errors?"

"I have never tried it before. You're the first one,"Wang Chao replied nonchalantly.

"The Olive Tree's Moonlight Sonata."

Mizi Lian had to put up with the uncomfortable situation she was in for a while. She didn't wanna voice out her uneasiness to avoid making Wang Chao overthink or something.

"It's all done,"Wang Chao signed with relief.

Mizi Lian whirled around testing the perfection of the dress.

"It's fine now,"she beamed.

"Glad to know that,"he smiled back.