Chapter 66: Ye Xingchen Confesses.

As they sat across from each other in the carriage, Wen Mingye was sure something embarrassing must have happened between them the previous night. Mizi Yue kept avoiding his eyes , flipping through pages of a book from time to time.

"I'm sorry about last night ,"Wen Mingye said awkwardly.

"It's fine it's not the first time I've witnessed your worst behaviour,"Mizi Yue responded sarcastically.

"But I'm glad it was you and not any other person."

"Yeah don't go around licking other people's faces like that."

"It's because your face tasted much sweet,"Wen Mingye said shamelessly.

"Is that a compliment?"Mizi Yue asked contemptuously.

"I think so."

There was a slight lull in their conversation as they approached the Imperial Palace.

"The academy is about to reopen so I think I will come to perform with you tonight,"Wen Mingye said breaking the silence

"No problem."