Chapter 78: Mizi Yue Declares War.

Their fun in the Northern Dynasty didn't last long. Liang Xun showed up one night while the two were sleeping at the Iridescent Pavilion. Mizi Yue secretly left the room to meet him. He had bad news to deliver to Mizi Yue. Mizi Yue had been accused of kidnapping Wen Mingye therefore both the dance house and Whispering Bamboo Network had been seized;his loved ones tortured to confess where Mizi Yue had taken their prince. The Whispering Bamboo Network had been exposed after thorough investigation was done.

Mizi Yue went back to sleep and the following morning when he woke up he tried to remain calm as possible.

"My sisters performed on a high podium and accidentally fell so they have been severely injured. I have to go back to the South,"Mizi Yue revealed as they took breakfast.

"You received a letter?"

Before Mizi Yue spoke up,Liang Xun came over for breakfast.

"Your Highness,"Liang Xun bowed.