Chapter 80: Wen Mingye Being A Ridiculous Boyfriend.

Mizi Yue and Wen Mingye hadn't actually seen each other since the court meeting. Wen Mingye wasn't sure whether Mizi Yue was being serious when he declared he would end their relationship. He showed up at the Jade Phoenix Pavilion one night to seek clarification from Mizi Yue.

"Didn't we promise His Royal Majesty we would end our relationship?"

"Promises are meant to be broken. I will not do anything that's against my wishes,"Wen Mingye declared boldly.

"You really don't know how to comprise,do you?"

"I will only stop coming here when my father cuts my legs."

Mizi Yue laughed at how bold and a little ridiculous Wen Mingye was being.

"What if I want to end the relationship?"Mizi Yue asked after a while.

"I will have you castrated and taken to the palace to be my eunuch."

"Are you being possessive of me right now?"Mizi Yue simpered.

"I am,"Wen Mingye admitted.