Chapter 95: His Ethereal Bride.

Mizi Yue slowly opened his eyes and looked around in confusion. Wen Mingye walked in carrying a tray of food and medicine.

"You're awake ,"Wen Mingye smiled slightly.

"What happened last night?"

"You fainted."

"Oh ."

"Actually you didn't have to take me flying if you weren't feeling well."

"Weren't you sad I didn't talk to you during the party so I did that to cheer you up and pacify you."

"That makes me feel good,"Wen Mingye smiled and gently placed the tray on the bedside table,"The physician said you have to eat first before you take the medicine."

"I don't have appetite,"Mizi Yue whined.

"You have to eat . If you refuse I will feed you forcefully."

"Then feed me forcefully. "

Wen Mingye snorted,"You just want to be fed by me ."

"This is the only time I can take advantage of your royal hands."