Chapter 101: From Lovers To Strangers.

Wen Mingye's wedding was around the corner and he rarely left the palace. He had broken up with Mizi Yue a few months ago but Mizi Yue went to see him when he heard about the wedding.

"Scholar Mizi what are you here for?"Wen Mingye asked coldly the moment Mizi Yue showed up in Longwei Hall.

"You've changed,"Mizi Yue said with a mirthless smile.

"I'm no longer a prince of course I have to change."

" Are you really getting married?"

"Yes. Is there a problem?"

"No there isn't any problem. Then congratulations on your marriage in advance."

"If there isn't anything else to say please see yourself out."

Little did Wen Mingye know that his harsh words were exactly the ones killing Mizi Yue inside. Mizi Yue bowed perfunctorily before leaving.Tears fell from his eyes as he walked out. Wen Mingye was left crying too.

"Your Majesty,bad news,"Xue Yao announced as he walked in.

"What bad news?"