Chapter 2: Transmigrated In A Fantasy World!

"Take Yu'er and go! Don't look back!" Shouted Yué Míng Lián.

Shoving two weeks old, Yu Chen in Jia Li's arm. Yué Míng Lián stared longily at Yu Chen, reluctant to part with him.

They only met for two weeks but now she had to let him go, she was not convinced. A tear silently fell from her eye unto Yu Chen's forehead.

Yue Ming Lian took a blue moon pendant with an intricate design from her neck, and place it around his small neck. She then kiss him on his forehead, and whispered, 'This will protect you, until your eighteen'.

"Young Miss, why don't you come with us? We can help you! What will Young master Yu do without you?" Cried Zhan Jia Li, grasping tightly unto Yué Míng Lían's* hands.

(*Will start to call her Madam Yué or Young miss now)

While Zhan Jia Li was reluctant to say good bye to her young miss, Lí Jìe was suddenly sent flying pass them, into a gigantic tree with a loud thud!

Spluttering up blood, he tried to stand but due to the heavy blow he couldn't. He could only kneel on one knee,and tried to use the tree as leverage.

"Jia Li we can not waste anymore time, take the Young Master and Go!...cough! Cough!...Go Now! I'm running out of star power!" Lí Jié desperately gasped.

Jia Lí, seeing her husband's miserable state and severity of the situation, she could only give up on her wilfulness.

She released her Young miss hands, and she started running without looking back, she fears if she looked back, she could not bare to leave them behind.

"The Young Master Must Survive! He Must Live! So I Must Run!" Jia Li mumbled determinedly, hugging Yu Chen tightly to her bosom.

"Go Li Jie, what will Jía Li do without you? You know how she is. I have had a great time with both of you. Please take care of Yu Chen and don't blame Ah Chang. When Yu Chen reaches 18, take him back to the Yu Dukedom, Ah Chang knows what to do" Said Madam Yue.

She informs him with resignation, and without any room for discussion. Knowing there was nothing he could do to make her change her mind. Li Jie could only give her a deep bow and took off after Jia Li.

Looking back, Li Jie saw the tears from Madam Yue getting swept a way, by the invincible force she was about to face head on.

He could hear the the wolf howling in sorrow and the wind whimpering in pain.

"Live well My Love and take care of our boy" Whispered Yue Ming Lian to the wind.

That was the last thing said, before she released the power of the orb of night. It was as if a perilous aura ensued the entire world as time stopped.

In a blink, the moon got larger, it was a beautiful yet terrifying. Light from the moon, poured into Yue Ming Lian, illuminating her entire body. She looked like an otherworldy entity.

The next moment, Li Jie saw an explosion that nearly blasted him to pieces, if it wasn't for the bracelet Yue Ming Lian gave him.

That night, the moon lost its color and the entire World turned dark, with glumness lingering in the air.


It has almost been eighteen years since Yu Chen was reincarnated in this world, The Orion World.

The Orion world was created by Goddess Jū dì, who descended from 'Celeste' in the celestial world and set foot in a desolate land ridding it of darkness and evil, and recreating it magnificent and vast with boundless spiritual energy.

From dust, the Goddess Jū dì created powerful beings with abundant spiritual powers, and from the moon, the Goddess Jū dì created magnificent and breathtaking beings with more bountiful spiritual energy, to serve as her right and left-hand army. Thus, splitting the Orion world into two continents - The Kun continent and The Yueshi Continent.

The continent Yu Chen was reincarnated in, was the Kun continent. The Kun continent as its name implies, means 'Earth'. But this is different from Yu Chen's original world. This 'Earth' runs on star energies where the people here can use 'Star Power' to control several elements, such as wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.

The Star Power is like fuel, without fuel a car can't drive, unless it's electric that is, but that's not the point.

Star power is as vital as how life is for them in this world.

Without Star power, in a world like this, where the weak as to respect the strong or be killed, one is basically dead without actually being dead, even the weakest human beings, such as villagers, have atleast three level star power.

It is very rare that someone in this world is born without star power but it is possible, and they can only be a stepping stone their whole lives.

The Kun continent only has one kingdom that rules the entire continent, three Dukedoms, nine major families, twenty-seven villages, and six large sects.

Right now, Our protagonist, Yu Chen is sitting on the top of a hill, looking down on all the majestic trees and animals, booming with star power.

He still could not believe that one shut eye, can cause a Transmigration. Even so he loves the life he is living in this so-called world.

He has a loving mother, a thoughtful father and a little michevious didi(little brother).

He knows Zhan Jia Li is not his real mother nor Li Jie his real father neither is Li Xiao Feng his real Didi*.

Even so, he truly loves them as his real family.

The memory of what happened almost 18 years ago is embedded into his head, as plant to its root.

Furthermore, he looks absolutely nothing like his foster* family.

(Author: *Yu Chen considers them his foster family* )

Just like the fairy-like woman he saw almost 18 years ago, who he presumes, his is real mother, he has long white hair, piercing ocean-blue eyes, when gaze into, is as deep as the depth of the ocean and a very pale skin tone and long white eyelashes.

He is a direct replica of his real mother, only difference is that his looks are much more surreal, with cold demeanor.

He looks like a Goddess who has descended to the mortal realm, to bring shame unto these pitiful mortals, especially with the bright blue cinnabar mole, in the crease of his eyes, that if seen, will turn the entire Orion World into chaos.

"Sigh, the books Mother gave me only have the basics about this world.

It's like she does not want me to get too involve in the world.

But that's impossible since I am a transmigrator." Grumbled Yu Chen to himself.

Recalling how his Mom was being hesitant and cagey about his request to learn more about the Orion World, like it was some top secret shit.

He couldn't help but chuckle at her overprotectiveness.

'Furthermore, I have been constantly absorbing the Star Power from my surroundings, and I will be lying if I say I didn't like the feeling. Moreover, I feel that I am quite stronger than the ordinary. I really want to know my level, and the cultivational levels in this world,' Yu Chen sighed as he thought to himself.

Before he could continue his trail of thoughts, he was interrupted by an adorable voice, that keeps getting closer and closer.

"Gege! Gege! it's time to go home, the sun is setting!" Yelled Xiao Feng excitedly. Running towards Yu Chen like an excited tiger cub.

"Xiao Feng! Stop running so fast! Be careful, you might....." before Yu Chen could finish his sentence, Xiao Feng already fell flat on his face.

"Fall...sigh...didn't I tell you to stop running so fast," Yu Chen gently reprimanded xiao feng, while helping him up.

" Don't worry Gege! Xiao Feng is strong! I can even protect you now!" Said little Feng boastfully, pushing his chest and nose in the air, like a peacock showing off its feathers.

"Hah! You kid!" Yu Chen chuckled, squeezing xiao feng's cheeks and patting the dirt from his robes.

"Let's go home, ma and Pa are waiting," Yu Chen said, holding Xiao Feng's small hands, and leading him towards the village and out of the hills.