Chapter 17: Three Days After (SMUT)

"Gege? Gege, are you alright?"

"It's OK, Xiao Feng, your Gege is just resting,"

Yu Chen heard two familiar voices talking in his head.

'Huh? Aren't I dead? Why am I suddenly hearing voices, and why do the voices sound so familiar?'

"Gege, please wake up,"

"Hah! Your Gege is OK, but Xiao Feng needs to rest," Tuxuan said as he tried to get Xiao Feng to rest.

'Xiao Feng Gege wants to sleep. Please let me sleep,' Yu Chen pleads inwardly.

But whether Yu Chen was dead or alive, he was not having it. He was too tired, his body exhausted; he just wanted to rest.

But the constant chattering in his head was not stopping.

"Tch! Let me sleep!" Yu Chen exclaimed as he pulled the cover over his head. The room was then domed in silence.

Yu Chen thought they were finally going to let him rest in peace.

But all of a sudden, a boulder weighing thirty Jin dropped on Yu Chen. Even if the Boulder was small, it hurt like a motherf***er.

"Kuahh!" Yu Chen grunted as he coughed from the impact.

The unique difference between this Boulder and a regular Boulder is this Boulder cries.

"Ge..Gege...I thought you were dead! Ahhhhh!" Xiao Feng shrieked as he hugged Yu Chen closely, and Xiao Feng's head snuggled in his stomach.

'Hah! How can I ignore my adorable cub!' Yu Chen thought.

"Gege is OK, Xiao Feng," Yu Chen said as he tried coaxing Xiao Feng.

For the next ten minutes, Xiao Feng cried himself to sleep.

"Hah! What exactly happened?" Yu Chen asked himself as he pulled the cover over Xiao Feng's body.

"Well, a lot happened, Young Master. Where do you want me to begin?" Tuxuan asked.

He walked in with a food tray. The food tray consists of Baozi, a type of yeast-leavened filled bun, boiled eggs, steamed fish with fresh scallions, chilies, and garlic sauce, sweet congee, and fried rice.

"Krorar!" Yu Chen's belly rumbled as he gulped at the sight and smell of the delicacy on the food tray.

It felt like he hadn't eaten in centuries. Yu Chen could not focus on what Tuxuan had just said. His hunger reigned over all else.

Upon not receiving a response from his Young Master, Tuxuan placed the food tray on the table closest to the bathroom cover and then turned to look at Yu Chen.

Seeing that his Young Master was almost drooling, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Young Master, come and eat. You must be hungry," Tuxuan said as if it was nothing out of the norm and he was doing his job, not wanting to embarrass his Young Master.

Yu Chen, who snapped out of his hunger, realized what Tuxuan said and flushed red from embarrassment.

"Ahem! Yes, I am indeed a bit hungry," Yu Chen replied with a feigned cough.

'Abit my ass! I could eat a whole cow right now!' Yu Chen thought as he exited the bed and walked over to the table.

Sitting around the table, the scent of the steamed fish with fresh scallions, chilies, garlic sauce, and other delicacies assaulted Yu Chen's nostrils.

Not caring about etiquette or his flushed face from embarrassment, Yu Chen hungrily gobbled down the food on the tray.

Amid his food, Yu Chen suddenly remembered Tuxuan's reply to his question.

Yu Chen wanted to understand what happened to his parents and why he wasn't dead.

But most importantly, that familiar face and voice, he wanted to know if that person he saw and heard was real or if it was his mind playing tricks in his dying state.

'That dick face even antagonizes my slumber!' Yu Chen thought as his face, neck, and ears flushed red.

His mind then wondered.

Fragments of Yu Chen's Slumber.

"W...wait! This position! Ahhhh!....a..ah!ahh....t..too...d..deep!" Yu Chen Moaned loudly as Baihu shoved his long rod deep inside him.

On a big, broad wooden bed with black and gold dragon totem silk covers, Yu Chen was on his knees, his back arched.

His bare chest was on the silk bed cover, and his tiny perky ass slightly up in the air.

Baihu held Yu Chen's perky ass as he pulled each cheek in the opposite direction, and as he pulled on each cheek, he slid his thick rod in.

Every time Baihu went in, Yu Chen could see how his thick rod was going in and out.

And with every stroke, the friction from the silk bed cover and Yu Chen's rosy, pointy nipples had him in a mess.


"Young Master! Young Master!" Tuxuan yelled as he shook Yu Chen's body.

"Huh!?" Yu Chen replied in a daze. His face was red, and he was sweating profusely. A strong scent permeated the entire room.

Tuxuan was in a dire state and was about to lose his mind because of the strong scent, but he had to prioritize his Young Master's safety, so he endured.

Yu Chen's inner robe sucked to his body as if a bucket of water turned over on him.

"Young Master! Are you OK!?" Tuxuan enquired in a panic.

"OH, yes, I am fine. It's just..... never mind. I want to take a bath for now, Tuxuan; we can talk about what happened later," Yu Chen informed Tuxuan as he got up from around the table.

Yu Chen was perplexed about what had just taken place. Why was he sweating so much?

Hearing his Young Master's orders, Tuxuan hurriedly left the room. He slid down the door to catch his breath when he reached outside.

As he caught his breath, he took a look at his state. The water that left his pores was much more than Yu Chen's.

His breathing was hectic, and he had a high libido. It was standing tall like a palm tree.

"Hah! What was the Young Master thinking to have such a reaction, and he was oblivious to it? No, the Young Master cannot see me like this," Tuxuan said as he tried to compose himself.

'I need to carry out the Young Master's orders,' Tuxuan said inwardly.

After about 15 minutes, Tuxuan walked in with an inn worker carrying a huge empty water barrel.

"Young Master, this was the largest water barrel they had," Tuxuan informed Yu Chen as he stepped into the room.

Yu Chen, who looked much better than before, was sitting at the edge of the bed, caressing Xiao Feng's hair and face as he slept like a newborn baby.

"It's OK Tuxuan. Anything would work," Yu Chen responded, turning around to face Tuxuan.

The inn worker was minding his business when he heard a mellifluent voice.

The voice gave people a sense of comfort and serenity. The inn worker looked up to see the owner of the voice.

When he saw Yu Chen, he was stunned and could not help but stare.

Yu Chen was too beautiful, especially with the dark blue colored cinnabar mole in the creases of his eyes.

"So....So beautiful!" the inn worker blurted out, mesmerized by Yu Chen's beauty.

'He's a hermaphrodite!' The inn worker exclaimed inwardly after noticing the cinnabar mole in the creases of his eye.

"Over here," Tuxuan inserted menacingly, blocking the inn worker's sight from his Young Master.

"Y...Yes!" The inn worker stuttered. He was rushing past Tuxuan and Yu Chen. He then places the empty barrel behind the bathroom cover.


After another 15 minutes, the inn worker filled the empty barrel with hot steaming water.

Terrified of Tuxuan's aura, the inn worker left immediately after completing his task.

He did not want to stay a single second later. He felt like if he dared, Tuxuan would chop him down like a log.

"These strong men are so menacing," the inn worker said as he closed the door behind him.

Feeling a shiver run down his spine, he quickly descended the stairs.

Seeing that everything was set, Tuxuan excused himself, closing the door on his way out.

Immediately after Tuxuan exited the room, Yu Chen went around the bath cover and undressed.

His fair and unblemished skin was exposed. His skin was as fair as the snow, and his nipples were rosy and stiff.

Immediately after that, fair skin entered the bath; it flushed red. Yu Chen looked eroticly stunning as he relaxed in the water barrel.

"Hah! How relaxing," Yu Chen said as he immersed himself more profoundly in the bath.


"I have been sleeping for three days!?" Yu Chen yelled in shock.

"Yes, Young Master," Tuxuan replied calmly.

"And you're saying, after you dealt with the other black-clothed men, you came back to check if I was OK?" Yu Chen enquired as he stared at Tuxuan.

"Yes, Young Master," Tuxuan replied with a straight face.

It has been ten to twenty minutes since Yu Chen had taken a bath.

Immediately after the bath, Yu Chen sought Tuxuan after getting dressed.

And since half an incense ago*, Tuxuan has been explaining the events that took place three days.

He was sturring the story here and there. He even did so with a straight face.

'Please forgive me, Young Master, I lied,' Tuxuan said as he cried inwardly.

He cursed Baihu to his ancestors as he stood before Yu Chen with a straight face, spouting his lies.


Three Days ago (Tuxuan remembering Baihu's words or should I say threat)

"You! Be sure Yu Chen doesn't find out about this," Baihu said, his dark eyes staring deep into Tuxuan's soul.

'I can't have my beloved being mad at me. No! I should give him some healing potions for his external and internal injuries. This way, my beloved won't notice anything,' Baihu thought seriously.

If Tuxuan were to ever find out about Baihu's thoughts, he would probably vomit blood in anger. And in his state, he would probably visit Yama*.

Tuxuan was barely able to stand and fell to his knees in a battered state. His robes were tattered like that of a street beggar or even worse.

It looked like he had just been bullied in the worst way possible, and indeed, they bullied him.

Tuxuan hands and chest were covered in blood as a result of how badly Lu Sheng's explosive lighting* injured him.

His internal injuries were worse because he later suffered from Baihu's turbulent energy.

Tuxuan, who did not wish to suffer any more beatings, pecked his head like a chicken as he agreed to Baihu's request of keeping how they batter bruised him a secret.


Present (Back to Yu Chen interrogating Tuxuan)

"Are you sure there was no one else present?" Yu Chen enquired as he gazed deeply into Tuxuan's sky-blue eyes.

"There was no other person present, Young Master," Tuxuan responded, staring back at his Young Master.

Yu Chen's skills in discerning any loopholes in how a person speaks were no jokes, as he was once a CEO who had to experience a cold and cruel world and the treacherousness of a person.

But this world was different. Magic is naturally deceptive; that's its nature, so Yu Chen's abilities won't work on influential persons in this world.

Besides, Tuxuan is an excellent talker who is very good at his job.

As a butler and a right-hand man of a powerful Duke, Tuxuan needs skills like these to survive in the war fares and scheming of the royal powerhouses.

Yu Chen, who believed Tuxuan was not lying to him, sighed as he averted his gaze.

But he did not realize how water was pouring from Tuxuan's body.

"What about Mother and Father? Did they contact you?" Yu Chen enquired.

"No, Young Master. I have received no message from The Emissary and King of Blaze," Tuxuan responded.

"Let's go. We will go out and look for Mother and Father," Yu Chen replied as he stood up from the chair.

Before he could take a step forward, Tuxuan stood before Yu Chen like a block wall.

"Tuxuan, you dare," Yu Chen said threateningly. Understanding Tuxuan's intentions, Yu Chen glared at him fiercely.

"Young Master, please forgive me, but I can not allow you to leave. The Emissary and King of Blaze will contact us if necessary," Tuxuan asserted, blocking Yu Chen's path without budging.

'I guess he is right. Mother and Father will contact us if necessary. They are strong, so they will survive, while I am weak and competent. I need to get stronger,'

"You can not even control your star powers! How are you going to help!?" Li Jie yelled.

Remembering his father's words, Yu Chen felt both disparaged and motivated.

Yu Chen's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a soft voice.

"Gege?" Xiao Feng called. Sitting up from the bed, he rubbed his eyes as he looked around the room for Yu Chen.

Seeing his Gege, Xiao Feng smiled, but when he saw Tuxuan standing before Yu Chen, Xiao Feng could not stay still.

Xiao Feng jumped up from under the covers and off the bed with astonishing speed.

"What are you doing to my Gege," Xiao Feng said threateningly.

Eyes glaring fiercely and teeth baring at Tuxuan, ready to pounce at him.

'How fast!'

'This child is growing at an astonishing speed! I wonder what keeps him going!'

Tuxuan thought as he watched how Xiao Feng defended Yu Chen in amusement.

'Anyone could easily misunderstand a situation like this; no wonder Xiao Feng was quick to react even though he just woke up,' Yu Chen said as he ruffled Xiao Feng's messy bedhead with a loving smile.

However, not everyone who saw this situation would consider it a confrontation.


"Achoo!" In a certain room, a strikingly handsome man sneezed.

"Your Highness, are you OK!?" Hua Yuan asked in a panic.

"I-" before Baihu could finish his statement. Hua Yuan was already in a frenzy.

"Lu Sheng! Lu Sheng! Your Highness is sick! Your Highness is about to die!" Hua Yuan screamed in a frenzy as he ran around the room.

"Hah! How did I end up with these people!" Baihu thought as he held his forehead.


Tuxuan, who saw Yu Chen's genuine smile, felt an arrow piercing his heart.

'OH My! My Young Master is such an unparalleled beauty! I must protect him at all cost!' Just like that, Yu Chen received a loyal devotee.

That's why they say a beautiful smile brings anyone to their knees.

"It's OK, Xiao Feng. Uncle Tuxuan and I were just talking," Yu Chen said, patting Xiao Feng's head.

"Really? Gege, you are not lying to me, right?" Xiao Feng asks, staring right into Yu Chen's eyes.

Yu Chen, who was shocked, didn't respond immediately. He was just in too much of a shock.

'How can a child have such an intense gaze!' Yu Chen thought.

"Gege?" Xiao Feng called out to Yu Chen when he heard no response.

"Yes, Xiao Feng, Gege is telling the truth. Gege will never lie to Xiao Feng, OK?" Yu Chen declared with two fingers pointing to the sky.

Seeing Gege's gesture, Xiao Feng smiled and nodded.

"OK, Gege," he replied.

"Koarr," Xiao Feng's stomach suddenly thundered.

"What kind of big brother am I? Xiao Feng must be starving!"

"Tuxuan, go quickly to get some food for Xiao Feng and prepare a warm bath for him," Yu Chen informed Tuxuan.

"Yes, Young Master," Tuxuan responded as he went to carry out his orders.