First Lost Battle

My hands were feeling empty as I looked at it once again. Shouldn't I be holding that rusty lantern right now? How did it get there? As the pathway glowed in front of us, it was certain that we were to pass through it.

In the distance, the black mist writhed around the lantern as something fluttered out.

A butterfly.

The black flame inside the lantern was now sitting atop it in the form of a butterfly. I couldn't see its head or antennae, as it was simply 'flame'.

It playfully took one or two rounds around the lantern as if showing happiness.

Shen Ming shrugged, seemingly realising what it actually was.

"That… That's the soul of a powerful existence." He added as he intently stared ahead.

Whatever it was, I could guess the immense strength hidden beneath its tiny form. It was easy because of how my body wouldn't move an inch. My legs were glued onto the ground as though I had become a part of it.

The butterfly flapped its fiery wings as it slowly drifted towards us.

I tried turning to the right but the only things that moved were my eyes. Even the tiny bead of cold sweat formed on my forehead was now stuck as if time itself had paused.

The butterfly flitted between us as if we were being scrutinised. One by one, it took its time to closely examine us.

Finally, it returned to its perch on the rusty lantern.


An intense aura exploded out of the lantern. Whispers from countless souls filled the air; their emotions, resentments and pleas constantly echoing in my head.


I thought I was about to pass out when everything came to a halt.

I blinked, and the next second, the sight in front of me changed. The glowing pathway was now filled with countless figures, their appearance twisted and blurry.

I instinctively moved my body back and yes, I could do so. As soon as I realised this, I took out Falcon and held tightly onto its hilt.

"Do you know what's going on?" I asked Shen Ming to which he shook his head.

"Remnant souls, that's all I know." Saying so, two sickle-shaped swords materialised in both his hands. Previously, he was using one but now he had two, which meant he was about to get serious. Xiao Yating hefted his silver bow, his expression grim.

"Kill them"

The voice of a young boy filled the ruins.


We whipped around, searching for the source, but couldn't find anyone like a boy.

"It's me… Look here" the voice wavered.

"Uhh… where?" Xiao Yating stammered.


"... Here where?" Xiao Yating's voice grew impatient.

"Look ahead, the soul lantern."

Hearing that, all of us turned our gaze towards the lantern, but the sight of it was blocked by the army of remnant souls in front.


Behind the army was a tiny thing darting and spinning around in the air.

"Are you the black butterfly?"

"...No, I'm the undying flame."

Before Xiao Yating could retort again, Shen Ming spoke- "What do you mean, 'kill them'?"

Hearing him, it suddenly stopped moving as it levitated in the air without even flapping its butterfly wings.

"They are remnant souls stuck here, unable to go through the cycle of reincarnation. Their only desire is to leave this hellish place. But for that, they must get destroyed."

"If you destroy their souls, they'll be set free. If you don't, they can still be free… by killing you and making your soul stay here."


A heavy silence was followed before it spoke again-

"Kill them before they kill you."

The undying flame lowered itself from our sight as it settled on the rusty lantern.

On the glowing pathway, three figures stood in front and the rest behind them. These three figures were humanoid, likely two men and a woman, whose appearance was shrouded in the mist and blurry. Even though they were 'souls', they had a physical body which was most likely their corpse.

They grasped their weapons and bowed.

"Please kill us."

They spoke, their voices devoid of any life or emotions. The next second, they took on their fighting stance.


"Why fight back if you truly yearns freedom? We can kill you one by one until everyone is free."

What Shen Ming asked was my question as well.

The three figures shook their heads.

"It's impossible… The souls here have lost their grip on sanity. It's impossible for everyone to just sit by and wait until they are at peace." The female figure who stood in the middle spoke, before pausing and looking behind to see those souls and the desperation in their demeanour.

"Only the soul that kills is allowed to leave, the rest will remain trapped. So, everyone's thought process is the same, which is to kill you before anyone else does." She slowly unsheathed her sword.

"Please…" There was a hint of desperation in her voice as she said this.


The three figures in the front charged at us. Of those three, one man was against me, the lady against Shen Ming and the other man against Xiao Yating.

The horde of remnant souls behind them also charged forward, trying their best to beat those at the front and kill.

Shen Ming called Meng'er once again and told Xiao Yating to take cover atop it. Because he was an archer, it was better for him to fight this way than fighting head-on.

I entered the state of inheritance usage and fully released my aura without holding back.

This was a fight I had never yet experienced, a fight for life, unlike those one-hit battles. Even this body was showing signs of fright and… excitement.

The man's appearance was unclear but he was certainly a human who looked under thirty. He was a young and powerful sword master, which was evident from his aura.

Still, there was a kind of confidence, more like 'overconfidence' in me that kept pumping my adrenaline.

I was so focused on him that I almost ignored those other souls behind. Before I could attack, one of them leapt up and shot a powerful bow strike towards me. I dodged to the side, but the man moved first and swung towards my neck.

I swiftly slashed out as well despite being a bit late.

This one slash decided everything. Whoever lands their attack first will emerge victorious. This didn't feel like a clash for life, but a clash of two egos, which made me even more excited.


I felt like the man, whose face was unclear, had a smirk etched on.

His slash slowed down by a few milliseconds and-


His body plopped down as it slowly disappeared into thin air. There was no signs of blood or flesh as it felt like a puppet being torn apart.

He held back.

He could have ended me then and there, but instead, he held back. His soul was destroyed, letting me continue the fight.

The confidence inside me felt like it had crumbled as it was replaced by anger and disappointment. In this fight… It was me who lost.

That previous soul who attacked me using a bow was killed by Xiao Yating shortly after.

I quickly stabilised myself and slashed again at the incoming horde of remnant souls.

Crimson light erupted from Shen Ming's form as he unleashed his bloodline power. The tide of remnant souls faltered, half of them grinding to a halt mid-charge.

Shen Ming's primordial bloodline had the trait of ruling over all demons. The ones who stopped in their tracks were demons, who were now being suppressed by him.

The man opposite Xiao Yating dazedly stared at Shen Ming for some time before Meng'er's sharp claws sent him dissolving into wisps of energy. He died, a sardonic smile played on his lips.

Although Shen Ming could temporarily hold off many demons, with his current cultivation, it was somewhat difficult. In their desperate act, many of them broke through his suppression and continued charging.

The woman with the sword leapt up and slashed down at Shen Ming. Terrifying sword Qi formed an air-slash as it approached him.

He dodged with much effort and ignited his body using his beast flame. The woman's cultivation was much ahead of him. Her current strength wasn't even one percentage of what she had, because she was just a remnant soul. Yet in this weakened state, her power far surpassed his.

He had no choice but to go all out now. His two sickle swords burned as he slashed them with all his might.

The woman didn't dodge his attacks because either way, she was the one profiting. But she couldn't stay back and watch him get killed as well. She lost her left arm as she kicked forward. Shen Ming swung his other sword at the same time he got kicked in the abdomen. He lunged back a few meters but before that, his sword had already made its way to the woman's neck.

"Thank… you…" She uttered her final words filled with happiness as her body slowly disappeared.

Even in her final act, she had carved a path for him to continue.