Chapter 6: New Companion

Back to Kiyo and Yuno's POV


Gesturing for Yuno to make a passage through the looming wrought-iron door, the numbness receded from his motion-reactive battle stance as he concentrated on any dangers that might appear from the other side. However, instead of a menacing foe, a surprising sight met his eyes: whose towering form was about six-feats tall, his features bearing the struggle and anxiety of the expected outcome. The man, gripped by fear and anxiety could barely clench his hand, trying his best to as the imagined baseball bat was going to hit him, but still, as the hideous creature came closer to him, he stood his ground. That unforeseen encounter with an apparent monster notwithstanding, I learnt to realize that reality is often full of dissimilarities compared to the one that has a mental picture of a place where dangers are in places where least expected.


A silent understanding passed between them but only to be broken immediately when Kiyo and the man warily assessed each other in that moment creating an unprecedented and at that time a defining tense moment of peace between two warring factions.


"Come in," he informed the stranger who was now facing him, his voice as smooth as possible, nevertheless having had a slight quiver in his hands as Yuno quickly closed the heavy iron door behind him. He peered cautiously across the open space as Yuno set the barricade, sounding those hungry zombie claws clawing at the metal, filling the air and making him shiver all over.


However, at this point Vin felt a moment of tranquility, sinking himself on the soft grass in the yard that offered him a brief relief from the adrenaline that spread through his body. Likewise, the peace though temporary, both he and Yuno were careful with their steps, alert to the fact that the outsider might not be as he portrays himself and therefore could harbor more dangers in the midst of all the chaos.


During the process of the man when recollecting the details of how the situation got to be in the mysterious way it was, the two originally were skeptical, but as time unveiled, they both managed to have a more empathetic view. At first, their eyes had been a mix of curiosity and caution, an embodiment of the range of their emotions towards the stranger who was in their presence. Nevertheless, the man was forced to unfold his story, which explored his real character and dilemma, as a result of which both people turned out to be more sympathetic towards his situation. Yet his words sounded strange to them, but made them forget about the mistrust that could be seen since the first contact. The change in their body language, which before characterized their people with watchfulness, now expressed some elements of care and understanding.


Not limited to the man's story, the tale also gave the duo a general comprehension about the situation. In spite of the initial ambiance of embarrassment that permeated their communication, there was a visible shift that was taking place and as a result, a feeling of bonding started to manifest among the three of them.


Kiyo then asked the man to introduce himself before telling him the situation of the stronghold.


A notification-like sound reverberated throughout Kiyo's inner consciousness.


[Ding! A new resident has been detected…


Would you like to turn him into a Subordinate? 




Kiyo was surprised, albeit calm on the surface, the seemingly brute in front of him appeared to trust him more as soon as they introduced themselves. His views towards the man changed into somewhat a muscle-brained type of guy.


[ Ding! Congratulations for gaining a stage 1 awakener as a Subordinate!


10 Vilume]


Kiyo, standing face-to-face with the man in front of him, felt a whirlwind of emotions take hold of him. Surprise danced in his eyes as he marveled at the natural strength radiating from the man, a strength that seemed to defy all expectations by manifesting ahead of its predicted schedule. Alongside his astonishment, a sense of delight bubbled within him as he savored the reward he had unexpectedly received


Just after giving their newly found fellow mate resting time to recover, Kiyo and Yuno then decided to take the risks of venturing themselves outside the iron gate which was considered the wall guarding their refuge. Vin, the fresh blood of their gang, was with the trio as they made their way through the dark and terrible night--a world filled to the brim with the undead walkers. While they stem their way through the monotonous land space, they faced a group of walking undead creatures that were not far from the walls which surrounded the shelter they entered. They combined their efforts and acted together like an unstoppable machine no matter how the endless trudge of the zombies seemed, they appeared invincible and relentless. Their joint strength and determination could be felt as they managed to fend off the imminent intrusion of darkness, reverently safeguarding their security and refuge.


The three, all sweaty and dirty, stood tall among the beaten zombie crowd that had put their new safe place at risk. Even with the hot sun above, they felt proud for taking down the rotting foes. Their bodies hurt and they breathed hard, yet the sight of the glowing Z-crystals taken from the fallen zombies gave them fresh hope and drive. The bright sun of noon made a sharp difference from the cold fear of the fierce fight they just got through.


After half a day of risking their lives, the trio successfully managed to gather around 110 Z-crystals. The sought-after crystals were then divided among Yuno and Vin, as Kiyo graciously decided that they held little value for him. Upon receiving his portion of Z-crystals, Vin discovered himself to be at a loss on a way to absorb them, being clearly natural in awakening abilities. However, with Yuno's affected person steering and clear instructions, Vin changed into capable of draw close the best method for assimilating the energy of the crystals. Together, they navigated thru the tricky manner, making sure that every crystal was harnessed to its fullest capacity whilst deepening their bond as a crew.


Having been given this new strength, the two buddies could not contain themselves with happiness as they felt power surge up from deep inside them, a sense of being unbeatable that filled their chests. In the midst of reveling in their own mightiness, they noticed for the first time ever the dark shroud which had silently fallen upon everything around them and started to whisper about the coming evening. They did not even think twice before heading straight back into each other's company's safe walls; but now they were silent partners walking side by side. Just as they passed over into its territory through an open door or windowframe somewhere near where they lived together as roommates, some delicious scent floated past one or both of their noses — drawing them irresistibly towards it like moths drawn towards flames — and so then there were those sizzling sausages in pots on stoves or pans over fires waiting for them when they got to that final destination after all those trials and victories during such a long day.


Having savored the meal and enjoyed each other's presence, they realized with sad slowness that they needed to end their usual evening ceremony and go to bed, in order to refresh their bodies and minds for the mysterious trials of tomorrow. They glanced at each other knowingly across the tidying up, smiling wanly over it; they were too tired now to talk about how many hours might be required by puzzlement next day — or how much mental energy. They said goodnight to what had happened today with a feeling of calm determination, then settled down into this peacefulness which always comes after outer things are put away at nightfall but before sleep actually comes on; it is like sitting back upon darkness while still wide-eyed in expectation either for dreams themselves or else simply because one does not know what will happen next.


End of Chapter 6.