Chapter 11: Noah

Noah's POV


My pupils dilated, as if realizing something.

The group of middle-aged men, holding makeshift weapons, slowly approached us. 

Their menacing gaze landed on the backpack my friend, Chris, filled with the loots we obtained from venturing out carries.

Even a child would know what their intentions are. I ordered my group to retreat as we slowly approach the door of our supposedly safe haven.

"Come on kid, don't be scared," one of the older men said as they laugh sarcastically, "We are just asking you to share us some foods, it's not too much, right?" The man in front, which I assume is their leader, spoke with a grin.

"Back off! We risked our lives for these!" I shouted whilst shivering from the threat in front of me.

As if provoked, the faces of the older men visibly darken as they lifted their makeshift weapons.

"Take out your weapons and run!" 

None of us ran, all of us shivered with fear, it was as if our feet were frozen, theyy just won't move!

"Clang!" My kitchen knife collided with the blade of a bald man. I was the first to react, my companions still frozen with fear.

With my moderately athletic body, I managed to hold off the bald man. My companion finally came back to their senses and started battling the other older men.

My face turned grim as the number of our group visibly dwindling whilst the enemies doesn't even have a scratch of them!

I prayed, knowing damn well that this shitty world of ours has been forsaken by God.

It was the least I could do, there's just no way of winning against these grown men that doesn't even hesitate to kill.

My best friend, Jake lies on the floor as his blood spurted out. 

"Please, save me, Noa-!"

Before he could finish, the dull blade of the older men's leader swiftly struck at his neck. 

Before I could even react to the death of my friend, the bald man struck me with his blade; sacrificing one of my knives, only then did I manage to block it.

I am now left with a single knife, clearly at a disadvantage as my other companions fell one by one.

I crouched, avoiding the a blade behind me from slashing my head by a hair's thread.

Only three of us were left, all the attention focused on me as Chris, and my other friend, Mill, got restrained by the leader of the attackers along with his 3 lackeys.

Facing the aggressive attacks of 9 men, all I could do was dodge and block, barely surviving, my body full of new injuries.

A mischievous smirk uncontrollaby appeared on my lips as I hear noises downstairs, on the direction of the descending stairs not far away, several zombies could faintly be heard growling, attracted by the blood of my now fallen teammates.

The ground was littered with dismembered limbs, organs, and severed heads of my former teammates; these brutes were beyond ruthless as they played with the bodies of my dead companions.

Unknown to them, a small horde of zombies is slowly approaching us from below.

The spilled blood all over the compound attracted zombies from all over.

'Hehe, even if I die, I'll bring you all down with me'

At least that was my plan, a hammer could be seen smashing onto my head as I got distracted by my own thoughts.

"Huh.." Visible confusion could probably be seen on my face. A long, reddish-black and devillish sword appeared before me, successfully blocking the hammer from disfiguring my face. It was as if it came from thin air, I didn't even see it coming.

The man in black robe, holding the devillish sword that seemed to have come from hell itself, swiftly slashed at the scar-faced man that wields the hammer.

His head dropped, everything happened too smoothly.

Soon, the man danced in the small space of the compound, every minimal movements of his, a head would drop.

I feel like I was watching death itself harvesting the soul of these sinful beings.

As the number of attackers slowly dwindle down in number, their leader finally released Mill and Chris. 

As the leader charged in, I quickly signalled Mill and Chris to hide behind me.

They still visibly tremble as we watch the people who once slaughtered us, getting slaughtered like pigs.

Just as the leader of the bandits fell, his blade came flying at me.

My instinct kicked in, dodging the attack; probably my most stupid decision in life…

The blade struck Mill right in the middle of his forehead, his blood gushing out as his pupils turned lifeless.

The man in black robe finished off the leader of the bandits as we silently look at Mill's lifeless corpse.

The shock it brought had much larger impact on Chris, his pupils dilated, staring blankly at the corpse of our last companion.

The man approached us, his long devillish blade now sheathed on his side.

'What could guarantee that this man wouldn't harm us too?' closing my eyes as I shudder from fear.

Suddenly, the man stopped his footsteps. I opened my eyes to see what he might be intending to do, his back now facing me.

The zombies finally reached us upstairs; my eyes slowly turning lifeless as fear took over me.

The man appear to be blankly staring at the space in front of him, 'Even he is scared, huh?' I sneered inside my head.

'Fuckk!!' I shouted within myself, watching Chris, my last comrade alive, charging in without any weapons in his hands.

"What a pity. He seem to have given up on life." The man said as he shook his head in disappointment, charging in as well right after.

I passed out from the lost of blood because of those damned bastards attacks. I don't know what even happened after that.

End of Chapter 11.