Chapter 17: Tier 4 Mutant!

[ The cataclysm is necessary for the Host's development towards the peak power of the universe. 

"To reach new heights, one must be willing to leave old realities behind. Growth is the fruit of sacrifice."

- #($*@>]

'Fuck… whatever it takes, I just need to kill my way through the top and improve the domain.'

"System, when will the 'cataclysm' occur?" He said, frowning.

[ "Those who have proven their worth shall be the ones to rise and face the cataclysm with courage."

Please reach the Amari realm along with your subordinates to face the cataclysm. ]


Status Window!

[ Status Window: Kiyo

Name: Kiyo Arjung

Race: 99.9% Human 0.00000….. 

Rank: Amari 

Str - 45 (Ave. 5)

Int - 39 (Ave. 5)

Phy - 48 (Ave. 5)

Agi - 43 (Ave. 5)

Rgn - 40 (Ave. 5) 

Skills: Swordmanship lvl 3, Bare-handed combat lvl 1, Traceless steps lvl 1


Ability: Replicate 

The Host, the one who reign supreme inside the domain, can replicate an ability of a Subordinate.

Slot #1 (Locked)

Slot #2 (Locked)

Slot #3 (Locked)

Balance: 14010 ]



"I'll stand guard for tonight." A frail-looking man stated.

His gaze constantly sweeping through the pitch-black alley they took shelter in.

"Alright, I'll take a good rest for a while." "Wake me up if there's any enemies, no matter how weak they are." The brawny-looking guy opposite of him replied.


'I wonder how the others are doing.' He thought to himself, eyes always looking around the dark surroundings.


In a small apartment in the western district,

"I-it's fine, I'll just sleep on the other rooms." She said, trembling like a frightened rabbit.

Her snow-white skin delicately shining under the dimly-lit candles on the table beside her.

"Just rest, I'll stand guard for tonight. Its better if we stick together to avoid danger."

A man in military uniform reassured.

"Don't worry, I'll stay further away." The man walked towards the door, sitting right beside it.



In the eastern district of the city,

Two men covered in blood stood in majesty on top of mountain of corpses.

One entity holds a terrifying dark scythe symbolizing death, while the other tightly grips a sharp spear that can cut through the essence of existence.

Countless humongous Tier 3 beasts and mutants fell under the crimson light of the night.

The entire streets were painted red as the corpses of various creatures littered around it.

"Fuck! Run towards the outskits of the city!" 

"We might get entangled with these two psychopaths!"

"Quick! Retreat, avoid the mutants at all cost!"

Various shouts filled the streets as every group residing in the east ran away from the deadly battle among these 2 men and all the mutants in the area, fearing that they might accidentally lose their lives in the aftermath of the battle.

The unstoppable pair, similar to the god of death who constantly takes lives, showed no mercy to any creature they encountered as they carried on with their killing spree, enjoying the deep red color of blood from various beings that covered their hands.

The duo moved with such swift ferocity, leaving a fiery path of crimson light that engulfed everything in its way. Every unfortunate creature that crossed their way met a quick death, their lifeless bodies scattered as the trail passed, leaving behind a haunting sight of headless corpses.

"KAKAKKAKAKA! At this rate we'll be the first to conquer an assigned district!"

An individual shouted, his scythe still ceaselessly harvesting the lives of the creatures on his path.

"Remember to retrieve all of the Z-crystals." The armored man with a spear reminded.

"Yeah, I know, it'll all be mine anyway."

From morning to night, dusk till dawn, the two fought their way through the eastern district, unaware of the chaos that has unfolded around them.

Like a mindless warmachine, the two tirelessly slaughtered every creature in sight.


In a quick motion, Noah, the man holding a scythe got slapped hundreds of meters away by a huge hand.

He shot out like a meteor, crashing on a convenience store where a group of survivors gathered.

The impact of his crash destroyed all the remain of the building. 

He glared fiercely at the 3 story tall mutant that caused all this, coughing out blood.

"Leave this to me." Azarick calmly positioned himself against the what appeared to be a 3 story tall Tier 4 mutant.

In the blink of an eye, the mutant's fist and his spear collided mid-air.

The quick succession of their exchange left the surviving awakeners in the vinicity dumbfounded.

Their eyes couldn't even follow the movements of the seemingly agile mutant that contradict its huge build and the man wielding a spear.

The violent punch of the Tier 4 mutant directly turned the surroundings into ruins.

Azarick effortlessly parried each attack heading towards him, blocking all fatal attacks on him.

"Eh, that man could fight on par with this huge monster?"

"Damn, is he even human?" 

Unfortunately he is not…


The bystanders that has yet to leave exclaimed.

"Boss, we should retreat first, we might get sweeped from the battle of these two monstrous entities."

A man in black suggested, his eyes locked onto the two powerful entites battling in the center of the streets.

The man he's talking to slightly nodded before walking away.

"Retreat! Go to the Central district!" The man in black roared.

Many men in black and various dark robes followed suit, each leaping towards the city center in high speed.

The many individuals seem to be awakeners.


"Fuck! The vitality of this bastard really is remarkable!" Azarick roared, glancing towards the Tier 4 mutant with a hole in its chest.


The Mutant continued its ferocious attacks, not minding the hole in its chest. Its huge fist once again shot out, a gust of violent wind accompanied by it once again turned the surroundings into ruins.

The unfortunate souls of the beasts in the vinicity left their body.


Before Azarick could react, a black scythe covered in crimson light slashed at the neck of the mutant.

In one swift attack, the head of the mutant fell. Its neck sliced diagonally.

"Hahahahahaha! I finally broke through the bottleneck!" Noah celebrated.

"Oh, you already reached Tier 4?" Azarick mused.

"Hell yeah, I told ya I'm not inferior to you."

"Congrats." A faint smile could somehow be seen through his helmet.

"Let's continue our competition, shall we?" Noah challenged.

"Alright, the one who hunt the most wins, this Tier 4 mutant could be considered a tie."

Azarick agreed, swiftly leaping out towards the opposite side of Noah.

Noah swiftly retrieved the Z-Crystals of the Tier 4 Mutant before shooting out on the opposite direction like a meteor.


In the middle of the night,

A few hours before dawn, Kiyo received a system message.


[ Congratulations to the host for accomplishing an achievement!

The Host has reached 25,000 Vilume,

The following rewards are given:

- 1 Random Gold-ranked system architecture.

- 1 Amari-ranked Evolution Vial (Locked)

- 10F Free stat points ]


"Oh.." He mused.

"System, why is the Evolution vial locked?"

[ The Host's body currently is unable to handle the power of the vial. Please reach the threshold of the Amari Rank before consuming the vial. ]


"Hmmm, what does the potion do if I need to reach the Amari rank to consume it if its an 'Amari-ranked' Vial?"

[ The potion….

End Of Chapter 17.



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