Chapter 3

As the sinister aura gradually faded, Izel murmured, "Is it over?" He'd vanished before the dust, smoke, and dirt from the Hellflame attack settled. The one-handed squad leader of the acolyte, of course, stopped the bleeding with mana and decided to pursue him. Normally, jumping off the train would have been easier under normal circumstances, but the fast-moving magical train had scrambled his sense of direction and mind, making it impossible. So, Izel opted to gradually make himself locatable for a brief moment.'Yes, most hunters on Eliluam utilized Mana Inspection,' Izel thought, drawing from his limited knowledge. 'After all, it was the basis for those specializing in recon.' Using this insight, he knew that running away was merely a deceptive tactic. Thanks to that, he caught his opponent off-guard and dispatched them with the effect of his aurora shortsword.Letting out a deep breath, Izel briefly expanded his partially stable, wave-like mana of [Mana Inspection] throughout the magical train. 'It seems that there are still guys left in the front sets,' he muttered, unsheathing his shortsword. 'Well, it doesn't matter since I've dealt with all the Acolytes I could.' He murmured as his [Cloud boots] parted the disheveled floor, moving toward the ripples of heartbeat and rough breaths amid the rubbles jamming his [Sound Reading]."You were still alive," Izel said."…?"As the survivor amidst the rubble sensed the approach of the blind kid, he slowly rose from the debris."Boy, why… d-don't y-you g-go your… own way," the bloodied leader of the acolytes, who had risen, said, blood dripping from his lips. Despite protecting himself with a strong magical barrier and escaping the sinister explosion, his physical condition had worsened significantly. It was so dire that he could barely be called alive. Despite the strength of his barrier, Izel speculated whether it was only a C-rank barrier, given how easily the explosion from the sinister heterochromatic aura had pierced through. He couldn't see his half-melted face, his burnt and seared body, or his missing arm, but he could feel his fluctuating bodily responses—the scent of blood and burnt flesh hung heavily in the air."Why...? Why d-did y-you kill them all? Is it p-pitiful for our c-comrades to… follow their… leaders' orders?" The acolyte squad leader cried out as the blind kid's steps drew nearer and louder."…""What?" Perplexed by the acolyte leader's response, Izel couldn't fathom what he was spouting, nor could he see the tears welling in the scarred eyes of the man before him. All he could manage was to open his mouth in utter bewilderment."B-blind Boy, d-don't you f-feel any remorse… for the y-young lives lost at your hands?" Gideon pressed on."…"Izel, grappling with his own mental trauma, let out a heavy sigh. Had it not been for the overwhelming despair, agony, regret, and resentment he felt after taking the life of the Dealer in the Fortress, his trauma would have burst forth at those words. Massaging the side of his head to ease the throbbing headache brought on by his unstable mind, the rapid depletion of mana from his use of Hellflame, and the disorientation caused by the train's motion, Izel spoke wearily, "I always thought you were a bit mad, but turns out you're even crazier than I imagined." His words were tinged with frustration and exhaustion."W-what?" The barely alive leader exclaimed."What kind of nonsense are you spewing, attacking this train, ruining my relaxation, easily digesting my food, murdering my traveling companion, and fellow hunters on board this train, and inflicting more trauma on me?"Izel's dulled eyes glinted coldly, fatigue palpable as they fixed upon the bloodied and disheveled leader before him. These attackers were clearly led by a Demonic Hidden Hunter, whom he had sensed from the start. Initially, he had dispatched the knight-type acolytes with a burst of Hellflame, but now, their leader's presence had vanished. Not only had they raided an unconventional mode of transportation, avoiding detection by the Moderator security, but they had callously slaughtered passengers on sight. Now they dared to treat him as the villain, merely because he had skillfully bested their comrades—. 'Honestly, it's nothing but a nuisance,' Izel mused briefly."E-Even in death, t-they'll be eternally r-revered b-by the H-higher-ups," the leader retorted, his bloodshot eyes rolling back as he strained against the sinister mana coursing through his already battered body."...""Is that so? Weren't you the one who initiated this bloodbath in the first place? Who would honor a terrorist group that mercilessly slaughters for their own gain?""That..."Before the latter could respond, Izel cut him off, stepping in close. "Well, it doesn't matter," he interjected."You, b-boy... W-who the h-hell are y-you?" The leader asked, panic creeping into his voice as he sensed a faint shadow looming before him."The reaper and I have come to collect," Izel declared."Yet... y-you know, y-you'll b-become the t-target o-of the [Cascade] G-Guild," the leader warned, his voice strained.Izel's dull eyes narrowed, caught off guard by the mention of the [Cascade] Guild."...Cascade?"Of course, Eliluam was rife with powerful guilds and organizations, but for the [Cascade] Guild to be mentioned by an Acolyte in the First District meant..."You... w-wouldn't know this, b-but no matter how strong you are, you won't... escape the w-wrath... of the [Cascade] Guild," the leader continued, interrupted by a harsh cough that spattered blood from his lips.This was something even Izel never expected in a million years. An enemy he harbored a deep hatred for, the one he sought revenge against at any cost. He gripped his fist tightly, a deep frown etched on his face. It was so mind-jerking that the eerie lightning flashing revealed Izel's inner turmoil as the downpour intensified, the wind whipping droplets through the damaged, ruined passage.Yet, it was jarring for the Acolytes squad leader, of all people, to reveal this information at the last minute."B-Boy, I-I will r-recommend y-you to go to [Cascade] a-and s-surrender. Though o-only its b-branch e-existed in the First D-district," he said, interrupted by a harsh cough and a faint laugh alongside a blood spurt. "Its h-headquarter is one of the Top Guilds that r-rule over Eliluam. If you seek forgiveness for your actions today and e-escape death, y-you'll b-be sponsored by them. You should be safe on Eliluam o-once… y-you get off t-the train."Izel let out a frustrated laugh at those crazed words. It was as though the dying acolyte leader was acting more like a recruiter for [Cascade] even in his last moments."Cascade, you say..."Of course, Izel knew Velkist Cambomir was just the head of [Cascade]'s branch in the First District, and also part of the successors belonged to the faction. As the dying leader described, [Cascade] was one of the major guilds that ruled Eliluam. If Izel reported his actions today, he'd be recruited as a strong blind Hunter and could borrow their power. He'd be safer from any threat such as the Hidden Hunter that led this raid on the train and would reach his goals and ambitions faster. But he wouldn't be able to prove his worth and take his revenge."I refuse!"The response to the dying acolyte's proposal was satisfying yet jarring, a fitting reaction for such a dire situation. However, it seemed that only he believed it was appropriate."..."Silence hung heavy as a deep, harsh cough erupted from the acolyte leader, Gideon, stained the air with blood, a testament to his remarkable vitality as a C-rank. "B-boy... A-are y-you... s-serious?" His burnt sour expression twisted with dissatisfaction, unable to comprehend the blind teen's audacious decision and irrational thinking. It was downright impudent.Izel remained resolute, his fist clenched tightly, memories of his disrupted meal and slain traveling companion fueling his determination. The humiliations inflicted by the Guild only strengthened his resolve. His revenge and validation were non-negotiable."I am," Izel affirmed firmly.Gideon attempted to dissuade him. "... I-I'm c-certain y-you've made this decision d-due to your l-lack of f-familiarity with [Cascade], D-Don't let... r-regret c-consume y-you later—""...""Hey, dying acolyte leader."But Izel interrupted, addressing Gideon as the dying acolyte leader. "Do you know why I haven't killed you like the others?"Gideon's curiosity piqued."...?""It wasn't out of a fondness for your proposals; rather, I was contemplating how to summon the 'Moderator' since reinforcements haven't arrived, and a hidden demonic Hunter and other acolytes still lurk on this train." He continued.The dying acolyte's eyes widened at Izel's words, startled by the mention of the "Moderator" and a "Hidden Hunter." How did Izel know that the leader of this raid was a demon?"H-how d-do y-you…?" Quickly, fear of the Moderator and bewilderment at the inscrutability of this blind youth raced through Gideon's ruined body, soul, and mind. He wanted to bite his tongue but..."Do you really think I'll let you do that on my watch?" Izel's voice cut through the tension, cold and unwavering, as his shortsword sliced through the air, stopping just short of the bleeding Acolyte's teeth. "It was a risk I had to take; Death hadn't come for you yet."The Acolyte squad leader's voice trembled, a sight unheard of in Gideon's experience. In every raid he'd participated in, the squad leader had wielded absolute power and authority. Yet now, this powerful C-rank squad leader stood partially damaged, shaken before a mere blind teen.Izel held the blade with enough force to prevent the dying leader from ending his own life, his expression tinged with bitterness as he spoke. "Thanks, Acolyte Squad leader."Izel had only wanted to hold out until reinforcements arrived, to take some respite before undertaking the Hunter ID's Test and seeking vengeance against Velkist Cambomir. However, the revelation that [Cascade] was the primary backer of acolytes in the First District—according to this dying leader—was a revelation that Izel couldn't ignore. The extent of [Cascade]'s influence, connected as they were to crime organizations and terrorists in the First District, posed a problem that demanded attention."Thanks to you flapping your mouth," Izel continued, his expression hardened with resolve. "This creates more reasons to summon the Moderator."In the World of Eliluam, anyone with a significant amount of Lupins could wield immense power. Among the various uses of Lupins, Izel's manipulated mana into his Hunter's kit, emerging from his cloak pocket as mana swirled around it, represented a decision he had never anticipated making. No; rather…BEEP![Requesting a meeting with the Moderator.][Insufficient Balance.][Forcibly request with the Moderator had been sent.][Current balance: -2,000 Lupin.]… it was an endeavor that would leave him with a debt to pay. 'But it doesn't matter now,' Izel briefly thought. Right, what mattered now was seeing this situation through. As the monotonous voice faded from his mind, the air around began to vibrate vigorously.GUOOOOOH!RUMBLE, RUMBLE!Concurrently, a deafening roar echoed through the carriage amid the heavy downpour as though the whole space was being torn asunder. Even the rumbling thunder was drowned out. Trembling, with blood dripping down his seared body, Gideon looked up at Izel with dull, pained eyes."Boy! W-what... h-have... y-you done?" The words struggled to escape the blade-sealed mouth of the acolyte squad leader."I requested a meeting with the Moderator," Izel trailed off as his [Sound Reading] observed the spatial disruption, causing him to nervously swallow dry spit. Memories of the Fortress flooded back, but he knew he had to maintain an indifferent demeanor at all costs.[The Moderator approved your request.]"… He should arrive soon," Izel added.Izel stood alone, the lone teen amidst an unconventional mode of transportation, effortlessly outmatching an entire squad of acolytes. The Moderator, observing from somewhere within the fabric of reality, couldn't help but be intrigued by his prowess, prompting approval of his request. And now…[▷ A request for a meeting in a magical train huh?]An overwhelming presence momentarily halted the heavy rain, quelled the eerie lightning, and muffled the thunder. Indeed, a powerful entity, making one's body feel as though pressed down by millions of pounds, revealed itself inside the magical train—set 13, to be precise.[▷ For a mere thousand Lupin that hadn't been paid yet. Hahaha!!!]Amused, the Moderator let out a comical laugh, clearly finding the caller's humor delightful. On Eliluam, even tens of thousands of Lupins wouldn't typically warrant the attention of a District Moderator, but in a dire situation—say, with just two thousand Lupins—there was a possibility. Though the value of Lupin currency varied across districts, it was still an amusing scenario for a Moderator.Izel briefly thought of the First District Moderator, sometimes referred to as the 'bottom District Moderator,' as he felt the weight of the air pressure enveloping him. Unlike the mind-jerking presence and workaholic behavior of the Fortress of Dungeons' Administrator, the Moderator held a slightly more approachable demeanor, yet still maintained authority akin to the admin's. This entity sifted through individuals deemed fit to inhabit the First District, particularly those who caught his attention for breaking rules and laws—earning him the moniker 'the Strict Mod.'A Moderator, a mysterious figure whose true nature remained unknown, wielded power comparable to the top Ascenders."... Mo-Moderator—."The Acolyte squad leader's voice quivered as the Moderator appeared, futilely attempting to gnaw through the blade clenched between his teeth. Yet, he lacked the strength to do so. Despite this, the Moderator's presence loomed large, his deep voice and imposing figure overshadowing the trembling Acolyte. He appeared unkempt, akin to a towering beggar with a lengthy beard - a stark contrast to his intimidating demeanor."…"Ignoring the dying Acolyte squad leader, whose mouth held a black shortsword, the Moderator strode purposefully forward, coming to stand before Izel.[▷ So, you wanted a meeting? With me?]The Moderator concealed his presence upon approaching the blind teen. Had he not restrained his aura, Izel would have struggled to stand, let alone breathe in his presence."My Name is Izel Elhalt Blind. I am an ex-hunter and a passenger of this train."[▷ Hehehe. I've heard. So, you killed a squad of acolytes on this train?]"Yes," Izel answered calmly.[▷When my radars verified the event, they indicated that it was very strange for a blind teen who isn't over twenty years of age to obliterate a whole squad of acolytes. They weren't wrong, as I can see, which is what really surprised me.]The dying acolyte wasn't the only one drawn to Izel. The Moderator, ruler of the First District, found himself intrigued by him as well.[▷ How did you know of my existence? And how did you figure out how to request a meeting?]The Moderator was inundated with questions. How did Izel come to know about the Moderator's existence, let alone how to request a meeting? Disregarding the lackluster execution, neither of these details should have been accessible to the public. Furthermore, why did he seek a meeting with the Moderator when he had already resolved the situation?"I'm aware of the law in the First District."[▷ The law? What would that be?"]"The law stipulates that freedom and choices regarding one's life, knowledge, and decisions in any endeavor must be exercised by one's free will and not predetermined by any entities, nor forcibly extracted by the Moderator, Guild, or any Superior being, regardless of rank," Izel continued, with his head up high at the towering figure that stood over two meters tall. "A law you established after the [Armaedggeon]," he added, emphasizing that all the mysterious information he possessed couldn't be coerced from him without his own free will.As Izel spoke, the Moderator gazed into his dull yet sharp golden eyes. In the First District, there was no being capable of deceiving the Moderator; he possessed the power to discern truth from lies in all spoken words, at least within the jurisdiction of the district he managed.[▷ … Is that so.]The Moderator retracted his doubts. It didn't matter how he found out about this information; as long as the knowledge wasn't obtained illegally, there weren't any issues. Lightning flashed as wind gusts drove raindrops into the dilapidated interior. Izel redirected the Moderator's focus."Rather, I believe a lackey from some Guild tried to interfere with my decision against my 'own' free will."[▷ Here?]"I'm referring to this Acolyte squad leader,"The Acolyte squad leader, his bloodied face a mask of desperation, struggled to reverse the pinpricks of mana that threatened to end his life. Despite his efforts, the magic eluded him, refusing to answer his call. With a nervous groan, he glanced at the Moderator, the blade clenched between his teeth. Through subtle gestures, he implored Izel to keep their interaction a secret. He would rather meet his end at the hands of the blind teen than face whatever fate awaited him now. Yet, his attempts were futile."[Cascade] made contact with the Acolytes," Izel spilled the beans, firmly gripping the hilt of his aurora shortsword.[▷ [Cascade] Guild?]"Yes, it talked about rewarding me with an 'offer' to surrender myself to [Cascade], which will eventually lead to sponsorship soon after."The Moderator's face flushed with anger, and as Izel sensed the looming danger, he swiftly withdrew his shortsword and leaped backward.Silence filled the vibrating air as the Moderator glared murderously at the barely alive acolyte's squad leader, seeking confirmation. Their eyes met, and Gideon's eyes widened in terror with tears mingling with blood streaming down his face and concurrently…SHOOSH!CRUSH!CRACK!… In a twisted realm where gravity bends reality, the hapless barely alive acolyte squad leader feels the gravitational grip tighten. Blood spurts in all directions, painting the void crimson as the flesh is torn from the bone. Limbs contort in grotesque angles, veins and arteries burst like macabre fireworks, and organs rupture under relentless strain. Agonized muffled screams blend with sickening squelches as the flesh is shredded into ribbons, leaving behind a trail of gore that stains the fabric of space itself. It was a lengthy explanation, but it happened in an instant."…"Swallowing dry spit, Izel's [Sound Reading] captured every detail of the unfathomable scene before him, replaying it in his unsteady mind. With just the hefty hobo's murderous aura, he demolished the dying acolyte squad leader, creating multiple ripples and surges of frequencies imperceptible to a normal person. Alas, Izel was not normal.DRIP!The acolyte squad leader, resembling a dying corpse, clung to life as a mere C-rank, but now only his crimson blood stained the ground. Not even his flesh remained."...?""Huh?" Amidst the violent downpour and faded bloodied event, Izel's [Sound Reading] picked up the distant sound of footsteps and swords being drawn. Not only that, but a surge of mana suddenly pervaded the air, emanating from the First and Second 'sets,' along with the cries of the acolytes. Even the lingering scent of blood filled the air, accompanied by the rumble of thunder and eerie flashes of lightning. Izel let out a sigh of relief.[▷ It seems the Reinforcement has arrived.]The Moderator, who sensed the irregularities in the atmosphere, exhaled deeply.With a slight nod and the sheathing of his shortsword, Izel responded, "Aaaah!" His thoughts raced, 'They're late though.'"The Border Hunters of the [Venie Section]! Everyone scatter—!"SLASH!"Help me—!"SPLATTER!"Damn it, who leaked the info—! Argh!"Acolytes' screams echoed as they attempted to escape, but they stood no chance against the Border Hunters.The Moderator muttered as if the chaos had already been resolved, indicating his presence was no longer necessary.[▷ Those fucking [Cascade] bastards… On top of everything else, they dare spread their influence here?]The Moderator's eyes blazed crimson, a clear sign of his intense displeasure at the interference by the [Cascade Guild]. With a clenched jaw, he fixed his gaze on the pool of blood where the Acolyte's squad leader had been pulverized. After a moment of grinding his teeth, he shifted his attention back to Izel.[▷ Thank you. Thanks to you, I can now cut away the rotten parts.]He wasn't an idiot. The Moderator knew that it wasn't a coincidence for there to be Acolytes and Hidden Hunters connected to [Cascade] Guild. There were probably other Hoodlums, gangs, and organizations in the same boat. Izel couldn't hold back his joy at receiving the Moderator's thanks."The second law of the First District."[▷ …?]"In the First District," Izel declared amidst the purplish lightning flashing, showcasing the bloodied ground where the Moderator had just ended the Acolyte's squad leader's life, "all achievements by civilians or Hunters must be compensated by a reward of equal merit.""Fair and square," Izel continued, "I haven't paid the Lupin I own to call you over, and through you, I 'hunted' an Acolyte squad leader." His attention locked on the Moderator directly, Izel inquired, "What do you think about that?"The Moderator, initially taken aback by Izel's proclamation, was momentarily speechless. Then, after a brief pause, a wide grin spread across his face as he burst into laughter.[▷ Fwahaha! Once again, you surprised me.]The Moderator stroked his brown beard, lowering his head to look Izel straight in the eye.[▷ You're the first blind ex-hunter under twenty to obliterate a whole squad of acolytes and even kill a Squad Leader on a Magical Train. Huh. I guess there's a first time for everything. Fwahahaha!]The Moderator chuckled bizarrely, completely disregarding the disastrous bloodbath unfolding before the train 'sets'. Now comprehending the gravity of the situation, he was utterly flabbergasted. Izel had been right all along. He had indeed sought the meeting with the Moderator, divulging the very secret he had just unearthed. As a result, the giant figure murdered the dying acolyte squad leader. It played out precisely as the blind teen thought it might go—a risk that had paid off handsomely.[▷ You may not have killed him with your own hands, but it is your achievement.]While it shouldn't have been impossible for a skilled ex-hunter like Izel to eliminate an acolyte squad leader, the information he obtained during the process seemed improbable. Acolytes, whether squad leaders or mere lackeys, were the second terrorist organization that the Moderator was determined to eradicate at any cost. Yet, they were as elusive as shifting sand, difficult to grasp fully except by finding a way to solidify them and... Despite this, one of the acolyte squad leaders had just met a pitiful demise.Although it may have been at the hands of the Moderator, it unfolded exactly as Izel thought it might go"Thank you."[▷ So what do you desire? You seem to already be in debt. But I don't think you desire finances. Right?]"…"Izel nodded. After all, he had other plans for an effective way to make money. But… "Just get me out of debt."[▷Hmm. Is that so? Let's see, what would be a fitting reward…]The Moderator fell into a pensive silence, a rare occurrence amidst the chaos. Uncertain of how to handle this unprecedented situation, he hesitated, his brow furrowed in concentration. Izel, displaying remarkable patience, quietly awaited the Moderator's decision. Seated upon the unkempt floor, the towering hobo crossed his legs, delving deep into contemplation. Minutes stretched by, tension thickening in the air, until suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, the Moderator sprang to his feet, struck by a sudden epiphany.[▷ He at least deserves this much.]The Moderator held out his hand towards Izel."...?"Izel hesitated for a moment. Hand contact was the common method of trading 'points' for 'Lupins' and vice versa on Eliluam. However, the Moderator of the First District could transfer skills without physical contact.'Why is this necessary?' Izel wondered as his [Sound Reading] sensed the Moderator's bodily responses. Nevertheless, the Moderator persisted, holding his hand out. Without understanding his intent, Izel shrugged, 'It doesn't matter.' Sensing no malice in the Moderator's responses, he reached out and grabbed his hand.At that moment…[You have obtained the skill – Grand Master of Mana.][Your body mana recovery rate has increased by twofold.][Your body's resistance to mana has increased by twofold.][Your body sensitivity to mana has increased by twofold.][Your body mana has increased by sixfold.]As the cacophony of messages reverberated within his mind, a fleeting azure glow enveloped Izel's form before dissipating. "What...?" His eyes widened in disbelief at the sensation that had just coursed through him."…"[▷ Fuhaha. There is more.]The Administrator chuckled softly at Izel's reaction.BEEP!His Hunter Kit vibrated, tendrils of mana enveloping it as the orb floated to the front of him…[The Moderator had contributed 2,000 Lupins to your main account.][Your debt had been forcibly paid.][Current balance: 0 Lupin.]... the familiar monotone voice narrated the new changes in his account, leaving Izel still aghast. He gulped, trying to process the information.[▷ Fuhaha. We shall meet again, I can feel it. Right now, I have to weed out some nuisances off the planet. It seems you will be interrogated soon.]GUUUUUH!With a hearty chuckle and a last few words, the interior of the magical train reverberated once more. Just as abruptly as he arrived, the Moderator ripped through the fabric of space before disappearing."..."Izel sat in silence, mentally replaying the events that had unfolded up to this point. His mind lingered on the moment the Moderator vanished, just before he summoned the feminine voice to check his new skill,[...][Grand Master of ManaRank: A+Proficiency: 0.00%Description: One of the Authorities of a Moderator, a being that rules over mana.Effect: +20% body mana recovery rate, +20% body mana resistance, +20% body sensitivity to mana, +20% body authority over mana. ]An A+ ranked skill, and it was one of the Authorities of a Moderator. "Isn't this too much of a reward for what just happened today?" Izel mused aloud. Even though he had "killed" an acolyte squad leader, obtaining valuable information, Izel wasn't expecting such a generous reward. Of course, if it weren't for his "principles", he would have devoured all the spoils of war and been satisfied with a B-rank skill or item. The Authority of a Moderator. He has never even heard of such a skill just like the 'blood of the gatekeeper' he acquired in the Fortress.'Authority over mana, you say…' Izel briefly pondered. Mana was everything in Eliluam. Skill—the power to control that mana, Stats to properly utilize it—and items were the biggest factors in deciding who was weak and who was strong. To rule over that mana… It was an ability fit to be called an "authority.""I probably can't use it properly yet," Izel admitted. However, it was similar to what Jenna, the green-haired mage, utilized in the Fortress but with a demerit. However, this brand new type of skill, Izel just obtained, never had one. A type of skill with limitations but quantity compared to quality, limitless but flawed. Anyway, the blind teen knew how to use these kinds of skills well. The skill might not be limitless by itself, but it synergized well with any skill, boosting the user's abilities. Depending on their proficiency, the usefulness of their skill might be able to reduce the demerit of some skills if used correctly. But, this was just Izel's speculation. He could be wrong.As the eerie lightning flashes and relentless rain that had been falling non-stop slowly stopped, the chilly wind wafted through the open crack and thunder rumbled.'Maybe I should be thankful to [Cascade],' Izel let out a stressful yet grateful sigh, before slowly getting up, mental stress loomed over him. Before Izel's Cloud Boots could part the ground after he took in a breath of fresh air, something caught his attention."...!"Countless bodily responses flitted about, and when he activated [Mana Inspection] alongside his [Sound Reading], he sensed the dense mana coating the various shadows shattering toward different regions, accompanied by the eerie sound of swords being drawn."Are they not done with the acolytes and Hidden Hunter in the first and second 'set'?" Izel let out a deep breath, realizing they might be more formidable than he initially thought. Soon, he retracted his partially stable, wave-like mana, which didn't cut off. With a smile, he acknowledged he was getting the hang of it.CLACK!SWOOSH!Despite the light downpour, the sound of a sword being drawn echoed. While, another white light flashed through the gaping, grotesque crack, striking the fleeing acolyte squarely in the back of the head.BANG!!!!Rapid magic gunshots rang out as lightning flashed calmly, unlike before. Blood spurted from the head, torso, and arms of another acolyte as a pure white shadow leaped over them and landed on the water-soaked ground lit by electric neon railway lights. The acolyte's body fell with a splash, drenching the pavement in blood.Behind the fallen corpse stood a Knight-type Hunter, stylishly blowing away steam from his magical piston before stylishly rolling it between his index finger and thumb, then tucking it into its dark leather holster around his wrist. It happened in an instant. He wore vest-like armor, nice boots, and slim-fitted trousers with a belt holding his scabbard. His water-drenched long hair fluttered slightly in the wind as he caught a glimpse of the blind teen at the end of the train as it moved."…"The Knight-type Hunter flicked into nothingness and appeared before Izel as the train continued its rapid pace, transitioning seamlessly from the ground to the fast-moving train."Are you okay?" he asked. He sensed the blind teen's rough breathing palpable and his stressful endeavor. Moreover, he is a survivor amidst this chaos.Izel nodded in response.The pattern on the shoulder strap was in the shape of a pure blossoming plum, marking the [Venie Section] Border Hunter in charge of protecting unconventional means of transportation before the Main Section."Don't worry, the invasion will be its last.""..."Sighing wearily again as he patted his growling stomach, Izel nodded blankly.