Chapter 16

Flashes of lightning pervaded the atmosphere as thunder rumbled through the gloomy, twisting clouds. Izel, who had just turned onto the main street of [Numbers], leading to the slums where his hotel was, was stopped by a young man in a Border Hunter's uniform."Excuse me, sir," the Border Hunter said with a friendly smile, his left hand on the hilt of his longsword. "Could you spare a moment to assist with an inspection?""...Inspection?" Izel's mind raced at the mention of a Border Hunter attempting an investigation. Had they discovered his fake identity? Of course, Anastasia Dunaleff warned him that it would eventually catch up to him, but he never expected it to be so soon. He appeared calm on the outside, but he feared he had been exposed for his crimes.However, he quickly realized the situation was different. If the Border Hunter was 'really' commissioned to search for a missing newly enlisted member of the TFO and found out about his fake identity, they would not have approached him alone. In a split second, Izel weighed his options and decided to comply. Running away would only make him look guilty and suspicious."I'm happy to help. What kind of inspection is it?" Izel asked."It's nothing too serious," the Border Hunter replied. "There was a recent missing case of a newly enlisted TFO member called 'Blake Griffin,' who, by the way, didn't show up at the TFO Headquarters. So, we were commissioned by the Network Grinder to investigate the facial recognitions provided by the Recording Kit and other data found in the Magical Train that the individual took."Izel breathed a small sigh of relief. Despite the case having something to do with him, he made sure to keep his expression neutral as he followed the Border Hunter's instructions.The difference between 'Complete Information' and 'Half Information' was apparent to Izel. No matter what thoughts raced through his mind, his face remained placid as the Border Hunter brought out the 'recording Kit' and took a facial picture. Izel, who was different then—bamboo hats, stylish bandanas, oddly unbalanced bangs were absent—the result of the scanning facial recognition was naturally different. Thus…[Images not Compatible]… was displayed on the 'recording kit'. The Border Hunter smiled and nodded, comparing the slightly blurred, lack of detailed clarity yet colored facial patterns on the 'Blake Griffin' and 'Traveling Companion' displayed on the orb-like device."The facial patterns are 'definitely' different. Thank you for your cooperation," he said.Izel pointed to the device, asking, "Is this Recording Kit the newly modeled type?"With the budget cut by the Moderator forcing the higher-ups overseeing unconventional transportation to resort to black-and-white images—deemed cost-effective yet lacking in detail compared to most existing colored pictures—the flaw of Eliluam technological advances—slightly blurred and lacking detailed clarity. Consequently, most latest 'recording kits' had to rely on distinguishing characteristics such as clothing, height, eye color, age, physique, and aura for identification.Though both Blake Griffin and Mr. Blind sported long, white-silver hair resembling noodles, wore identical dark cloaks and had golden eyes, Mr. Blind's slightly dull appearance was obscured in the images at the time the identification picture was taken or videoed as he wore a bamboo hat and stylish bandana. Though their identical facial features practically made them twins, the current Izel had a sharp appearance, his eyes were closed, and he lacked what Mr. Blind had on—so 60% of identification is invalid.With a slightly older modeled Recording Kit, more details like clothing, height, eye color, age, physique, and aura identification criteria are missing. It was highly unlikely that the Border Hunter wouldn't have enough funds to get the newer version or notice the differences.Answering Izel's question, the Border Hunter, seemingly an S-rank, nodded awkwardly, removing his hand from his hilt."Yes, yes. They say it cost a lot for the newer versions and these days—crimes have been little these days, so it was less profitable, but wouldn't Mr. Hunter know better than me about the cost of these little guys?""Well, to be honest, I haven't been to this [Numbers] in quite some time. It seems it would be more advisable to get the recent one, to get a more advanced criminal investigation conducted in no time.""I guess you are right. More physical evidence could be favored through the investigation process. Contrary to appearance, you seem to be quite knowledgeable."It was revealed that the new version of the 'Recording Kit' was more effective in 'Border Crime Hunting' and 'violent crime investigations', making sure any facial manipulations using Mana or mysterious skills are easily revealed when their aura, physique, and mana quality are taken into account—no escape or identity concealment.Grateful for Izel's cooperation in the investigation regardless of his device insufficiency, the Border Hunter was forthcoming with information and showing goodwill towards him. To solve crimes committed by Acolytes roaming about, Hidden Hunters leading them, and hoodlums, gangs, and street thugs terrorizing the slums and alleys in different Sections, Border Hunters took the security into their hands, searching for the slightest faint echoes they sensed. While it was possible to fish out these fuckers effortlessly with magical countermeasures into surveillance while utilizing a recording Kit' as a base, the high cost of a better 'Recording Kit' and commissioned manpower had made it impossible to explore more areas in each Section for a needle in a haystack if the target is smart. As a result, Border Hunters with the Help of the 'Network' in those [Sections] have to rely on their feet to seek out more evidence.As the Border Hunter grumbled, Izel nodded in agreement. However, the Border Hunter soon left after receiving a beeping message on his Hunter's kit. Sensing him leave, Izel felt more relieved that he was extremely lucky that the Border Hunter hadn't updated his 'Recording Kit' before approaching him. Or all his efforts to avoid detection would be for nothing. From their perspective, Mr. Blake Griffin must be alive yet cunningly staying out of sight for the time being, so it made sense that would pursue him to where he was last seen and trace his movement to places he could be by investigating the drivers of the sleek transport he took. In any case, the investigation isn't so aggressive yet.Izel, having taken a suitable and recording kit-free taxi to the Bureau, hid in a dark alley away from surveillance until the transportation arrived. This indicated that the TFO might have heard about the incident on the magical train, suggesting hope for Mr. Blake Griffin's survival. His initial plan to slip into an alley and vanish upon departing the magical train station was thwarted, as a few Numbers' Border Hunters clandestinely patrolled the area, determined to oversee his departure or maintain security against potential threats from hoodlums or gangs. With his fake identity crime still looming overhead, it was early to let his guard down, but he didn't need to be overly cautious either.It was fortunate that the Head of Numbers' Border Hunters didn't show up for investigation, only a mere Border Hunter. He might be sure, but it seemed Anastasia Dunaleff, also known as Mia Von Viedudam, might still be helping him within the shadows—if so, he should be thankful. But the thought of her having an ulterior motive sent shivers down his spine. Despite having some resistance because of her, even if someone were to use more Border Hunters to track him with more advanced methods, it wouldn't be delayed in a way that it wouldn't seem obvious that someone was backing him. In any case, he still had to make haste. Since it would be challenging to 'longer' back him like she always does, Izel would still be a little shoulder ahead in movement and coincidences, thus escaping or hiding would be easy to ponder about.With caution in mind, Izel checked out of the hotel and moved to another one in the [Zenie Section], alongside Mr. Blake Griffin's broken briefcase. He didn't want to leave any trace behind, and being careful was always better than being sorry.'The lodging fee was also too expensive.'Izel quickly grasped the cost of living in the Main Section of the First District. He found the ¢9,000 Lupins per night hotel he stayed at unsatisfactory, with ¢1,500 Lupins per meal eaten. He opted for a smaller room with a smaller bathroom in a new hotel that cost almost half the price of accommodation and food. This would help him conserve his savings. Once he settled in with the broken briefcase he kept under the comfy bed, Izel landed on the soft bed. He started organizing his goals and tasks, deep in contemplation.'The most important goal is to survive.'In this early dawn, Izel had been back in Elilaum from the Fortress of Dungeons for five days. He had achieved five out of his six goals of returning to the fortress before moving on to the next task of figuring out how to proceed into the 'Island Labyrinth,' as Jane Austen had suggested before the seventh day on the Runic stone expired. Groping his hand into his black slim-fitted trousers pocket, he tightly gripped a hard, black stone between his fingers. Izel speculated whether his next raid in the fortress 'really' did halt until he returned, realizing that he would have embarked on another long trip of hardships and struggles just to survive another day. His body shivered slightly.The bizarre frequencies and ripples emitted from the black pebble between his fingers. Its familiar, somewhat rough texture aligned with the item's description, bringing back memories of when he first purchased the item in the Waiting Room. Soon, as his fingers explored the purple inscription drawn within its surface, the familiar details tickled his mind with…[...][Runic Stone (?)Category: Two-time use.Price: 100 Verdes.Description: A black, well-carved pebble with an 'exit' and 'arrow' inscription carved on its surface. With these items, Walkers are temporarily pierced and escape the Fortress' great Defence arrays.Effect: Return the User to their initial location when mana is embedded into it.Demerit 1: Time limit of [Seven days] - In active - [Two days left].Demerit 2: Any attempt to destroy or throw away the item to revoke the 'oath of return' will lead to the instant death of the Holder.]… a slightly different description. Indeed, the Effect, which had its 'original' location, is now changed to the initial location to indicate the User's original and current position. In addition, 'Demerit One' also indicates that only two days remain."Haa…" Letting out a deep breath, Izel tucked the item into his pocket. All he had to do was utilize his time more effectively to achieve the best outcome before returning. Indeed, it didn't matter because returning meant he could continue to thrive. Who wouldn't revisit a place despite its overwhelming rules and regulations governing everything from attire to diet, coupled with perilous demerits capable of ending one's life? Despite these challenges, it was a place where one could soar to new heights, forging the path to ambitions and goals."Anyways, after taking a few hours break until 9 am… I need to proceed to the Island Labyrinth… Otherwise, any more rest will just build up laziness."He had previously wanted to experience a Labyrinth ever since he had become an F-rank Hunter, but that little goal was shattered by Velkist Cambomir after he stripped him of his Hunter ID. But now things are different—leaning more towards experiencing the labyrinth is not just a pipedream.In Eliluam, the World of Hunters, all Labyrinths were the most prized possessions to Guilds or [Bureau] and a niche for Hunters to get stronger. Of course, to have the right to covet their secret locations or access to just venture in, one must be in a Guild or [Bureau]. Unless one had a connection, which Izel, who is not affiliated with any Guild or organizations, had, it would be rare to even get a chance to encounter one.Gaining access to a Labyrinth is one thing, but 'actually' raiding it is another—an entirely different matter. While a Guild or the Bureau one's affiliated with can help one enter the hidden secret location of the Labyrinth with the suitable rank, understanding and facing the dangers that follow are entirely up to the Hunter's ability, stats, experience, and mental fortitude. Those with manageable skills and stats, but lesser mental fortitude and experience, are more easily intimidated and oppressed by the terrors and despairs that lie within.'Mable.'As the water gulped down his throat and swarmed through his gut, he felt a rush of relief and comfort course through his body. Placing the glass back on its rack, he lay back on the soft, comfy bed. It was then that he accepted the reality that the [Grandmaster of Mana]'s other effects are active, depending on water to cool off the heat his body makes as sweat trickled down his body.[Grand Master of ManaRank: A+Proficiency: 0.00%Description: One of the Authorities of a Moderator, a being that rules over mana.Effect: +20% body mana recovery rate, +20% body mana resistance, +20% body sensitivity to mana, +20% body authority over mana. ]With this skill and other mana properties that increased his body's aptitude for mana two-fold by the Moderator, his body could heal in no time as long as he had a considerable amount of rest. It was an unavoidable contradiction, but for Izel, who got stressed easily, it was the natural path that he had to urge his body to take, even if it meant shutting down every thought in his mind. Thankfully, even in the Fortress of Dungeons, Izel had a very special talent that set him apart from most Walkers, blind individuals, and Hunters. It was no surprise, 'really', as it was the only thing that had gotten him here from the beginning.Perseverance, hard work, and stress management were natural abilities that went well with his abnormal Mental Fortitude.As Izel pondered about the future, he reminded himself of the long-term goals that he had set for himself, while also knowing that the process of reaching it was entirely up to him. He was glad that in a few hours, he would be beginning the last of his short goals. Deciding that improving his life since he returned to Eliluam was the first step, but he also needed to carefully plan and prepare for any coincidences or errors that might occur in the journey ahead, using every and any means available to him to keep moving further. That wasn't just an option but a necessity. It was much later, long after a few minutes, that his mind completely drifted apart, and sleep overcame him.— — — — —"To find the Ripple gateway of the Island Labyrinth in the West of the Zenie Section... Seek a disorientation in space that harbors a large amount of magical power.Izel, who had just clocked out of his hotel room, took a stroll, on a lookout for a place that had a large concentration of mana, as described by Jane Austen. His [Cloud Boots] parted ways on the partially drenched street as eerie purplish lightning flashed across the twisting, gloomy clouds, accompanied by a slight rumble of thunder."Why could such a place be?" Izel muttered to himself.He observed hundreds of ripples and bodily responses swarming about the bustling streets with his Sound Reading, as hundreds of people meandered through the city's many intersections. He didn't know the exact direction of how to get to his determined destination, but a different scent within thousands stung his nostrils from a certain direction."That way," he muttered again, before sensing an almost imperceptible trail of mana wriggling from that route as well. It was different from the usual shady, sticky mana that permeated the area. It was a sensation he felt for the first time in the Exodus Section, but this was different. It was the same as what he sensed earlier—a high disorientation zone with a high concentration of mana from another niche—that Jane Austen noted in her directions. His hotel, located in the east of [Zenie Section], had gotten far as he walked along the sidewalk. After trekking a fair distance on foot, Izel hailed a sleek taxi car, collapsing into the backseat with a deep sigh of slight fatigue after giving the driver the directions he wanted to go."Phew…"The world outside the sleek taxi car window was so gloomy and dim that no one could tell it was just 9 am because of the weather—save for the colorful lights of the billboards that passed by in a blur. Izel let out a sigh as his attention fixated on the surge of ripples from the flashings, his mind weighted down by the danger he had just narrowly escaped at the [Dirty Job] a few hours ago. If not for the timely intervention of his creativity and utilization of [Hellflame] he tried, and the 'Newly Created Barriers' training he made before he left the Fortress, Izel knew he would have perished on the spot by a magical bullet from a mysterious sniper-like Hunter.The risks he had taken when he accepted the request were uncertain. Of course, it might not be greater than anything he had ever faced before—nor was it an unstoppable behemoth like the Gatekeeper in the C-rank—but just a hesitation or mishap, or just letting down his guard, could trigger an outcome that could be beyond his control. He knew his new life would continue down this path, where his will to survive and the desperation that had driven him thus far made him more alert and cautious. It was a state of mind that needed him to become stronger, struggle harder, and work more diligently than ever before. The determination and perseverance he possessed were only a starting point; he would need to harness them to their full potential in this Island Labyrinth and also if he hoped to endure hardship and dangers that lay ahead—and compete with his friends who were born with a golden spoon in their mouths."Status," Izel murmured. And soon, the feminine voice narrated his self-diagnosis.[...][Name: Izel Ethalt Blind.Age: 19 years old.Strength: 53 Stamina: 54Agility: 61 Mana: 57Constitution: 46Inferno: 30Active skillsGear: Flawlation (F)Basic Swordsmanship (E)*Soul Assimilation (E)*Grandmaster of Mana (A+)Hell Flame (D)Hemostasis (E+)Anesthesia (D)Passive SkillsSound Reading (Innate)Fortress CurrencyVerdes: 60*]Izel couldn't help but feel a bit more satisfied with his overall stats, which he hadn't heard of in a while. His new skill, acquired from the Moderator, was added as well. "Huu…" Letting out a deep breath, he began to lose himself in thought. The taxi eventually arrived at a certain alley where a large concentration of tendrils of mana formed a symmetrical ripple in space, and the feeling of otherworldly disorientation dwelled."Be careful. This gateway is said to only allow a suitable Hunter of B-Rank and above in. Ahem, you will be fine."Izel sighed as he recalled the last words of Jane Austen. He was a B-rank Hunter according to his Hunter ID, but his mana said otherwise. Nonetheless, his [Cloud boots] parted ways as he moved toward the gateway, visible only to Hunters or those with a certain mana aptitude, but invisible to civilians and non-awakened individuals.As he proceeded even closer into the alley, time continued to flow. Just an inch away from the Gateway of Ripple, he could instinctively tell…'It's calling me.'… that the will of the Labyrinth called to him, Izel stretched out his hand and walked in. Ripples stemmed from the expanse of space, reversing its rings back into a single point, like an expansive swell on a serene pond or a river veering back to its singularity. The blind teen was swallowed up without a trace behind.Disconnecting from Eliluam and connecting to a different niche.Transportation from an entirely different space to another was disgustingly irritating. He felt like vomiting his guts out. But having been through worse things like the Magical Train's outrageous speed or returning from the Fortress, Izel shrugged his shoulders, urging Mana to calm himself. It was then the moist breeze fluttered about, tickling his skin and awakening his mind. Right, the moist air that was from the gloomy and rainy weather turned dry yet refreshing. The sky was clear, bright, and vividly colorful, and there was the scent of a salty ocean. Unable to see the vibrant and heavenly scene, Izel got a similar feeling as when he was in the B-rank Dungeon—indeed, a great forest spanning the horizon.A lot of people started appearing around the blind teen."Could the Island Labyrinth truly be this?""Amazingly true, it was 'actually' an Island with Forest terrain.""There are a lot of people here.""How big is this place?"There were approximately a little over a hundred Hunters ranging from B-rank upward if Izel went into deep analysis with his [Sound Reading].Some people were on alert, thinking that there were too many Hunters. That was because, up until now, for newly ranked Hunters, some of the Labyrinths were just C-ranked Labyrinths. However, these people had no idea how different the Island Labyrinth would be compared to any of the other ranked Labyrinths they had faced before. They would come to learn how small E to C-ranked Hunter's world they had been living in was. No wonder Jane Austen recommended such a Labyrinth to Izel when he asked for a suitable Labyrinth to grind and perhaps gain some skills. And…'This is also the first time I'll be together with various Hunters to raid and survive.'Right, this was the first Labyrinth raid of the blind teen ever since he aimed to become a Hunter. In his mind, Izel began to feel proud. He finally triumphed over the Cascade Guild Leader, Velkist Cambomir, who never wanted him to raid the Labyrinth. After stripping him of his F-ranked Hunter ID, Izel succeeded in becoming a full-fledged B-rank Hunter to take the Dirty Job. Now, raiding a B-ranked Island Labyrinth, Izel would call this place…[THE 'ISLAND LABYRINTH' WILL NOW BEGIN.]… the Place where his new story begins.— — — — —"Island?""As in a tropical niche?"Hunters murmured after being told and saw for themselves that it was 'really' an island with such a heavenly sight."So will slaying the boss monster end the labyrinth raid?""Perhaps. We haven't heard the objective yet!""Can you please keep quiet?"Amid the crowd, some people didn't like the commotion.The messages with that of a toneless masculine voice continued after the fantasy-like expanse shook vigorously['ELYSIUM ISLAND' IS SLOWLY SINKING INTO THE SEA. THERE IS ONLY ONE CONDITION NEEDED TO PROVE YOUR WORTH TO ESCAPE THE ISLAND.][DEFEAT THE BOSS AT THE PEAK OF THE ISLAND.][YOU WILL BE GIVEN A SUITABLE BOOST IN 'THE CONTINENTAL RANK' DEPENDING ON YOUR CONTRIBUTION TOWARD DEFEATING THE BOSS.][THE FINAL REWARD WILL BE DECIDED BASED ON YOUR SCORE AND LONG IT LOOKS FOR THE BOSS TO FALL.][THE TIME LIMIT IS 33 HOURS.][ONCE THE TIME LIMIT PASSES, THE ISLAND WILL SINKING COMPLETELY.][TIME LIMIT: 30: 00: 00.]"Eek, what the heck!""What?!""30 hours?"Perhaps due to the unexpectedly long time limit, many Hunters voiced their shock. Until now, all the Labyrinths they had raided took at least two hours if the Hunters were skilled with a party, and at most five hours for highly skilled solo Hunters, with some raids lasting as short as 30 minutes for completely A-rank or S-rank Hunters. Therefore, it couldn't be helped that they were surprised by the sudden large increase in the time limit. However, this news didn't bring chaos or anything. 'In fact', most Hunters looked relieved by it, since it meant they didn't have to rush to farm stats or grind for skills from monsters around them. Also, having more time was better for achieving specific goals and sightseeing. But…'Some of them must have noticed…'Izel sensed through his echolocation—the effect of his [Sound Reading], that a few bodily responses of the Hunters in the crowd were tensing up rather than relaxing.'... Why we were given such a long time limit?'30 hours. It had been enough time for Hunters to grow complacent with casual grinding and hunting. However, the allocation of 30 hours was no coincidence. As a Walker, Izel understood the significance of such a time limit. Put simply, they had 30 hours to strengthen themselves as much as possible to face the Labyrinth's ultimate challenge: a single boss. Most couldn't fathom the boss's strength, perhaps because many were newly ranked B Hunters. But gradually, Hunters began to mobilize, and inevitably…"You all heard that? I think it's meant for us to meet up like this.""Yeah! Why don't we form a team together?"...conversations sparked, and groups began to form."Should we?""Kekeke sounds good to me.""Right, let's take this chance to learn each other's names...""I refuse."A familiar authoritative voice blatantly refused such a request, ringing through the area and capturing everyone's attention. Even Izel shifted his focus to the source of the voice.'Velkist? Why is that spiteful bastard here as well?' Izel wondered, bewildered by the unexpected presence of the person he had previously sought revenge against. Right - a 27-year-old man with sleek crimson hair that fluttered in the cool breeze, stood out amidst the crowd. His sharp brown-red eyes shimmered in the vibrant light, contrasting with his light armor underneath his Flock coat. His attire seemed out of place amidst the chaos of the Labyrinth.He was also known as [Cascade] Guild Leader.Velkist looked at his surroundings with an arrogant look on his face. He was the [Cascade] Guild Leader, a High-Hunter ranked 1525th in the 'Eliluam Continental rank,' never meant to be in such a place. However, he believed it was his right to bring his 'personal' party here to grow and break through their limits."Who said you could just become my comrade? A comrade should be someone I can trust my sides and back with. That's why I already picked my comrades before coming here," Velkist mocked, mana tendrils dancing around him, drawing the attention of those nearby. "By the looks of it, I don't think you guys are worthy of being my comrades, even if I don't have any," he added arrogantly."Forget you're the [Cascade] Guild leader; this is a Labyrinth, you dumbfuck, I'll fucking end you," someone retorted."What he said—You arrogant prick..." another chimed in.When a guy standing next to Velkist took a step toward him…FLASH! FLASH!Soon, slight yellow tendrils of mana began to form gradually around him, in an uproar around his frock coat.FLASH! RUMBLE!CR-CR-CR-CRACK!"Ahhhhhhh!" One Hunter cried in agony."Kugh…!" another groaned.With a vibrant burst of yellow sparks, every single Hunter around Velkist got knocked into the air."What the fuck!" one Hunter exclaimed."What was that?" another asked."As expected from [Cascade] Guild Leader," a third remarked."His enormous pool of dense electric mana, capable of deterring seas of Hunters, even though he hasn't trained for a while." The Fourth stated."Really? How terrifying would he be if he resumed training?" The fifth nervously thought aloud."I just can't imagine that future. Tch." One of the Hunters sighed.It was a very powerful attack, annihilating a six-meter radius. Those out of the range felt the residue of yellow sparks tickling their skin. Despite having just made enemies out of almost a hundred Hunters, Velkist looked unconcerned.CRACKLE! CRACKLE!"You lot," his words trailed off as an electric field began to form around Velkist, fueled by an immense amount of mana slowly convulsing from him. His icy, brown-red eyes, now tinted with gold, lit up with intense malice, looming over every hunter."Are nothing but cannon fodders," he added.