Part 2

"What did you say?! What do you mean, Noah?! Why not give her the antidote?! That way, that woman will—"

"You see. She was suddenly in that dark alley. She must have had a bad past. What if her was abandoned by his parents? Isn't she a pity?" interrupted Noah, knowing his friend would protest.

However, Grey didn't stop his protest. "Pity? I'd feel more sorry for myself if she stayed here. It's like having a child when we take care of her. What would you think if she was one of that group?"

"Grey. She been helping you. Why are you doing this?"

"We have to be on guard. It's also hard to get his information since she doesn't know her name."

"I don't think this woman is one of the people in that group. If she is, what's the point of helping you? I'll try to find out information about her. We don't know his name, but we have his picture. It'll just take longer. Just leave her here."

Grey chuckled. Just like his best friend, Grey was the opposite. Grey didn't understand Noah's thinking. "You're too kind, Noah. Mafia like us have to be on guard."

"And you forget, I'm not a mafia. I'm just the guy you helped earlier from a robbery. I'm an ordinary doctor. So, of course my thinking is different from yours."

Grey stopped talking after hearing Noah's answer. Noah also smiled-a sad smile-then faced forward and began to recall the events of the past. That's right. Noah wasn't a mafia. Noah is a person who is often said to be 'lucky' because he can be Grey's personal doctor and Grey is also very close to him so that he becomes a friend.

Even though you could say that their first meeting was not good. At that time, Noah's house was robbed. Noah's parents were killed so that only Noah was left who managed to escape. While running, Noah met Grey by chance. Grey, who helped Noah kill all the robbers, then took Noah to his house. Noah happened to be a doctor, so Grey decided to let Noah stay to be his personal doctor. Until finally they became friends.

"Enough. We don't need to talk about this anymore. This woman will stay here. I'll take care of her. Think of it as me helping you return the favor. How about it?" Noah offered.

"You—" Grey sighed. Already speechless because of Noah. "That's fine. The important thing is that she doesn't trouble me too much."

Noah nodded. "That's fine. I'll try."

"Okey. Just take care of her. I'm just going to bed."


Grey was about to leave, but was stopped when Noah called out to him. "What else?" asked Grey, looking lazy.

"She doesn't remember her name, which means we have to give her a name. What name should we give her? Any ideas?"

"Just think of it yourself. Why ask me?"

"She lives in your house too. You're participating too."

Grey sighed. It felt really lazy. However, he chose to obey so as not to prolong the matter and he could quickly go to the room to rest. Grey then recalled the past for a moment making him smile.

"Athena." Grey said then.

Noah frowned. "Athena? That's her name?"

Grey nodded. "Hm. Just call her Athena. How's that?"

"That's fine. That's a good name. Okay. Her name from now on is Athena."

"That's all right. Don't disturb my sleep. Bye."

Grey then walked out of there. As for Noah, he watched the woman named Athena. Noah smiled. "Hi, Athena. Welcome."


"I'm not a murderer!"

Suddenly the woman woke up screaming, and sat up in her bed. She was breathing heavily. The woman, named Athena, winced as the pain in her shoulder began to attack. Athena tried to remember what happened before she fainted. She remembered that she had helped the man named Grey, then was accused of being one of the group of assassins.

"I'm still alive? They didn't kill me? And my wound..." Athena held her own shoulder, realizing it was already bandaged. "Wait. My wound was healed? Who healed me? That group of men?" Athena muttered.

Athena then remembered that before fainting, Noah had introduced himself as a doctor. "Is it a man named Noah who helped me?" asked Athena. Athena then looked around. "Where is this? Noah's house?"

"No, it's not. This is Grey's house. The man you saved."

While she was wondering to herself, someone suddenly spoke. Athena was startled and looked toward the door. It was Noah who was now smiling and walking towards her, until he sat down in front of her.

"Hi. You're finally awake. How are you feeling?"


"Yes. You've been unconscious for two days."

"T-two days?"

Noah nodded. "Yes. Are you okay?"

Athena nodded. "Yes. I'm fine. It's just that my shoulder still hurts."

"Yes. That's normal. Here." Noah then grabbed Athena's hand, making Athena surprised. Then, Noah placed a few grains of medicine in her palm. "This is medicine for your wound. There's also something that can help reduce the pain in your shoulder." Noah then went to the nightstand to pour water into a glass. The water was already in place, so he handed it to Athena.

"Here. Hurry up and take the medicine." Noah said softly.

Athena was surprised that it was a man. She remembered that Noah had mistaken him for one of the group and almost shot her. His gaze was terrible and sharp. Now he really looked like an angel.

Athena nodded. "O-Okay. Thank you." She said and Noah nodded with a gentle smile. Athena then took her medicine.

"By the way, I'm sorry, I wanted to shoot you earlier because I thought you were one of the people from the group that wanted to kill my best friend. In fact, you are not their group. Sorry."

"Y-Yes. No problem. I know that you and your friend are quite close. It's only natural that you'd want to protect him."

Noah smiled. "Thank you."

Athena was stunned by Noah's smile. Noah was really handsome, gentle. He seemed to be an almost perfect man. When she almost fainted, Athena didn't see Noah's face clearly. It turned out that if she looked more clearly, Noah was indeed handsome. Grey was also handsome, but what was the point if he was bad? They could be friends, but their attitudes were so different.

"No need to thank me. You've already helped heal my wounds. I should be the one thanking you."

"No problem. Just a small favor."

"Okay. By the way, Noah, I'm really not at your house? I'm at your best friend's house, Grey?" Athena asked curiously. With Grey's bad temper, Athena thought it was a bit strange that Gray let her stay at him house.

Noah shook his head. "No. This is not my house. However, it's Grey's house, the man you saved. His name is Grey." Noah replied.

Athena's eyes widened. "What, this is really his house?!" She asked again and Noah nodded. Athena swallowed, then she lowered her voice to speak to Noah. "Is he going to kill me? He doesn't seem to care that I'm the one who helped him." She whispered, making Noah laugh.

"Sorry. He has a bad nature. However, don't worry, he won't kill you. From now on, I will protect you."

Athena was stunned. "Y-you'll protect me?" Athena asked for confirmation and Noah nodded.

"Yes. You don't mess around while you're here, Grey is not a patient person. Understand?"

"Yes. I know. It's obvious from his attitude yesterday," said Athena. She was still annoyed when she recalled Grey's attitude yesterday.

"That's all right. Then rest well, Athena. I'll show you around when you're better. From now on, this is your home too."

Athena was surprised. "What?! Wait! What is Athena? Is my name Athena? How did you know that? And what did you say, this is my home too? Are you kidding?" Athena asked immediately.

Noah chuckled, then nodded in agreement. "You lost your memory, we didn't know your name either. So, Grey decided to give you a name. Your name is Athena, you will live here. With me and Grey."