Part 18

"Hey, what are you doing? Let go of me," Grey whispered. It was uncomfortable that they were now the center of attention.

"Don't move. I'm measuring your waistline," Athena said, restraining Grey from moving. Grey sighed, completely lost in thought with this woman. "They are a big and professional company. Just by looking at my body, they can already find some clothing options. You don't need to take measurements like this, idiot," Grey whispered.

"Really?!" Athena immediately released her hug which was actually to measure Grey's waistline. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I wouldn't have bothered."

"I don't know you were so stupid," Grey said sarcastically making Athena chuckle again.

"Yes-yes. You're the only one who's smart," Athena sarcastically said. Athena then looked at the lipbalm section. Athena smiled. "Lipbalm! Come here!" Athena immediately pulled Grey to the lipbalm section and of course Grey just resignedly followed.

"Lipbalm? This is the men's section, right?"

"Why, you must think that men don't need lipbalm?"

"Sure. For what?"

"Of course to protect your lips from getting dry. Lipbalm is different from lipstick."

"Same thing."

Athena rolled her eyes lazily. Arguing with Grey would never end. Athena was attracted to the white-colored lipbalm so it wouldn't be noticeable if she wore it. It happened to be worth a try. Athena immediately put the lipbalm onto her wrist, rubbing it with her forefinger.

"Grey here," she said making Grey stare warily.

"What do you want?"

"To put on the lipbalm tester."

"Why me?!" protested Grey immediately.

"Because since I asked you, the purpose is so that you can try out the things I want to give to Noah."


"I did. Shut up."

Athena immediately put the lipbalm tester on Grey's lips, making Grey surprised. Not only Grey, but Ocean as well. Ocean couldn't help but laugh at Grey's surprise and Athena's innocence. It was an interesting spectacle.

"Okay. It's done. This really looks natural!" praised Athena enthusiastically. Before Grey could protest, Athena had already directed Grey's face to the glass beside her. "Let's see. It's good, right? It doesn't look like you used lipbalm at all. Your lips will be healthy and not dry. See for yourself."

Athena touched Grey's lips again, making Grey surprised. "Look. There is already some skin on your lips that is peeling off. If you don't use it often, it will—"

"Don't just touch me! Your hands are dirty!"

Grey interrupted, then swatted Athena's hand away. Athena clucked. "Hey, don't spread hoaxes! My hands are always clean!" annoyed Athena. Athena then picked up two lip balms. "It's a good thing I'm kind. I just bought one for you to keep your lips from getting dry, and one for Noah. You should wear it often."

"What for? I don't want that lipbalm," Grey protested, but was not heard by Athena who put two lip balms into the shopping cart.

"Uh, there's a hat! Come on, I want to get one for Noah too!"

Grey again just gave in when Athena pulled her hand towards the hat section. Athena laughed as she saw a tiger-print hat. "This is cute." Athena then took the tiger-print hat.

Grey shook his head. "Are you crazy? You want to give that hat to Noah?"

"Of course not. Tigers don't suit him. What suits him is..." Athena hung up her sentence, then put the hat on Grey to Grey's surprise. "You! Wow, right! It suits you perfectly!"


"Look in the mirror. Haha!"

Athena laughed again making Ocean even stifle a laugh. Grey turned his head to the glass, watching himself who Grey thought deserved a laugh like a child getting ready for tourism. Grey immediately took off the hat, putting it back into place.

" A hat like that doesn't suit me! What does suit me is..." Grey picked up one of the nicer hats and put it on. "Here. Right?" he asked for an opinion.

Athena nodded. "Yes. That's not bad. Try this hat." Athena picked up another hat, putting it on Grey. "Okay, I don't think it suits Noah, the black color suits you better. I'll buy the blue color for Noah. Do you like it? If so, buy it for your collection."

"That's fine. It's nice, I bought it for Ocean too."

"Huh? No need, Sir. I—"

"Yes. Just buy it. This gray color suits him."

Ocean just gave up when Athena and Grey had started discussing. Not only that, when Athena looked for clothes for Noah, Athena also looked for Grey and Ocean. For a moment, they were not a cat and mouse.

It may have only been a short while, but Ocean smiled, it was nice to see them getting along. In fact, Grey also took Athena to the women's accessories store next to the men's accessories store and forced Athena to buy some items.

This was completely different from their usual behavior.


"Ocean, why are we going shopping? Not only that, these items are all things Athena helped pick out, I also said yes and was excited. Why did it seem like it wasn't me?"

Ocean stifled her laughter. Now he, Grey and Athena were back from the shopping center. Ocean carried the things Grey bought for herself and Ocean, while Athena excitedly carried Noah's things.

Athena was about to head to her room to prepare Noah's surprise, and put down the things Athena had also bought earlier with Grey's coercion.

"To be honest, I don't know either, Sir. But, seeing you and Miss Athena getting along, it's nice."


Ocean nodded. "Yes. Normally you guys are like cat and mouse, but that was intimate. Don't you feel that it's fun, Sir?" Ocean asked back-curious.

Grey was silent. Thinking back to when he and Athena became close during the shopping trip. That was true too. However, Grey hurriedly shook his head. "Of course not. What's the fun in that? It wasn't me. That's it. Let's not talk about this anymore. Leave that woman alone, there will be an elevator in a moment, take my stuff straight to my room."

"Yes, Sir." The answer Ocean had expected. With her master's high prestige, there was no way ye would admit it.

"Uh, Athena. You're finally back, I was just about to call you."

Grey and Ocean discouraged going into the elevator after hearing that sentence. They were surprised to see Noah who was now running towards Athena. Athena was also surprised and panicked. Athena hid the items she was holding behind her body, though it was useless because they were too big to hide.

"O-oh. Hi, Noah," Athena greeted with an awkward smile.

Grey sighed. "Okay. We should help that troublesome woman." Grey then walked over to Athena, Noah, followed by Ocean.

"Yes. It's me. Where did you go? I just got off work, I looked everywhere for you. Karin was nowhere to be found and when I met the guards, asking for your whereabouts, they said you left together with Grey and Ocean. But, I don't believe it, how could.."

Noah finished his sentence when he saw the groceries Athena was trying to hide were visible and Ocean was also carrying things, obviously they had just been shopping.

"Did you just go shopping with Grey?" asked Noah-which made Athena panic even more. "You guys really went shopping together?"