Part 21

"I cried so much, my eyes are like this."

Athena sighed after watching her appearance in the mirror after crying for a while. However, Athena turned her eyes to the door when someone opened it and to her surprise it was Grey.

"What are you here for?" asked Athena, not friendly at all. It also happened that she was in a bad mood.

"To see our crying panda."

Athena turned her head and stared sharply - offended. "Panda?" she annoyed and Grey nodded.

"Hm. You didn't sleep all night, did you? Your eyes are like a panda. Your eyes are swollen too."

Athena held her face with a glum look. "Very noticeable, huh?" she asked.

"Yeah, maybe-"

Grey stopped his sentence after noticing Athena's increasingly sad face. Grey cursed inwardly, even though the purpose of coming here was to comfort Athena, not the other way around.

"I mean maybe not. Your face is still pretty, it's not that bad."

Athena's brow furrowed. Athena looked at Grey suspiciously. "Are you complimenting me?" she asked and Grey nodded. "That's unusual. You're usually always mocking me. Why? What do you want?"

Grey cleared his throat. "I don't need you to get anything." Grey walked closer to Athena. "Okay, enough. Don't be sad anymore. Noah, right, already said he would contact you often. He'll also come back once his job is done. If you get bored, you can play with your cell phone or ask Karin to keep you company."

"Yes. It's just different."

"What's different? It's the same. You can do whatever you want. You can ask me to accompany you too."

Athena's eyes lit up immediately. "Really?"

Grey was shocked afterwards. Grey immediately cursed inwardly because of her spontaneous words. Grey could only force a faint smile and nodded. For Noah's sake, Grey would say yes. Moreover, Athena looked happy after hearing it.

"Okay, promise, huh?" pleaded Athena, extending her little finger.

"Yes, promise. No need to use your little finger. Just like a child," Grey replied, just like the other day making Athena chuckle. "By the way, do you like chocolate?"

"Not bad. Why?"

"Good." Grey then turned to the door of Athena's room. "Bring it here, Ocean!" he shouted.

"Yes, Sir!"

Athena was surprised when Ocean entered with two other people. One was carrying chocolates, a large number of flowers and several large dolls. After delivering, the two men left, leaving Ocean, Grey, Athena and Karin.

"Wow! Is this all for me?!" asked Athena excitedly and Grey cleared his throat. "You bought it?!"

"Yes, Miss. Mr. Grey was asking what to do to keep women from getting sad. I recommended giving chocolates, flowers and dolls because women like them. Then-"


Karin stopped her speech when Grey already interrupted her with a deliberate cough and looked at Karin sharply making Karin immediately shut up. Meanwhile, Athena was shocked. Grey tried to comfort her. Athena felt happy actually because this was the first time Grey tried to comfort and be nice to her.


"What, the prize isn't enough?"

Athena hurriedly shook her head. "No, it's not. This is more than enough. It's just that, thank you."


"I know. You didn't really do it for me, but for Noah. You promised Noah to take care of me. Right?"


Karin and Ocean just sighed at Grey's overly honest answer.

"I thought so. But, still. Thank you. By the way, I want to collect the promise you made just now."

Grey's brow furrowed. "Promise?"

"Yes. About you accompanying me. Still remember, right? Just now."

Grey immediately cursed inwardly. Again, Grey could only regret his spontaneous words. Grey nodded. "Hm. Where do you want to go?"

Athena immediately lit up. "Tomorrow I want to go to the cinema! I want to watch a movie. How's that?!"

"What, are you crazy? I don't want to," Grey rejected immediately.

Grey didn't like going to crowded places, malls or so on. Grey would rather be at home. Watching? That would be boring.

"You promised earlier."

"Yes. But—"

Grey stopped his sentence when he saw the look on Athena's face that turned gloomy again. Grey then recalled his promise to Noah, making Grey swear inwardly.

"I mean, we can watch it at home. Why do we have to go to the cinema?" Grey asked. His voice became softer.

"Of course it's different! It's more fun at the movies. But if you don't want to, no—"

"That's fine. Tomorrow after lunch. How about it?"

Athena immediately became happy again. "Really?!" Her mood changed easily.


"Okay! Thank you. Here." Athena took one of the dark chocolates. "For you as a gift."

"Just take it. I have no interest in sweets."

"It's not too sweet. It has some bitterness. It's dark chocolate. I chose this for you. I opened it. You try it yourself."

This time Grey was silent because Athena had already opened the chocolate first, then broke off a little, giving it to Grey. "Open your mouth," Athena pleaded and Grey obeyed, then Athena put it in Grey's mouth.

The two of them might feel ordinary, but Ocean and Karin smiled at the sight because it seemed like a romantic scene.

"How was it? Not too sweet, right?"

"Yes. Not bad."

"Yes, right? Let's try it again."

Grey just resignedly opened his mouth again. Grey remembered that she had an agreement with Athena that Athena would fulfill all her requests. But, now it was the opposite.


"You haven't thought about what to watch before we come here?"

Grey held back his annoyance and asked Athena who was now still looking at the posters to decide what movie to watch. They were now at the cinema and accompanied by Ocean.

Athena shook her head. "No, I'm not. I'm confused," she said and Grey rolled his eyes lazily.

"Sir, Miss, one moment, someone is calling. Work related," Ocean whispered and Grey nodded, Athena also said yes. Then Ocean left.

"Or would you please buy some popcorn and drinks first, I'll choose."

"Me? Just wait for Ocean to buy it."

"That's long. Just buy it first."

Grey snorted, again could only surrender and went to buy, while Athena went back to choosing a movie. However, Athena was surprised when someone suddenly held her hand.

"Hi, beauty."

"What are you doing?!" screeched Athena and rebelled to let go of the man's hand. However, the man's strength was greater than hers, and he deliberately held Athena's hand.

"Hold you, beautiful. Wow. Your skin is really smooth," he said as he rubbed Athena's hand, making her even more disgusted.

"Let go!" she screamed again, but the man ignored her.


The voice rang out and the man was suddenly kicked to the floor. Athena was relieved to find Grey who had come over, staring at the man sharply.

"How dare you touch her. I'll kill you, bastard."