Part 32

"Alley girl. Why are you cooking so early? I thought you were kidnapped earlier because you weren't in your room this early."

"Shut up. I'm cooking. Don't disturb my focus. Since you recovered, you've been talking a lot, Grey."

Grey quirked one corner of his lips. He had indeed recovered. Two days had passed. Athena had been taking care of him these two days, but also cooking, she would give it to Ocean and the servants to taste. She practiced cooking to satisfy Wilson's taste buds who would be visiting tomorrow for dinner.

Athena really tried to cook Wilson's favorite food.

"Okay. I've recovered. The doctor has also confirmed it. How about you give me some of the food? Let me taste it?"

Athena immediately glared at Grey. "Don't mess with me. You've just recovered. I don't want you to get sick again and bother me," Athena replied sarcastically.