Part 37


The bullet had almost gone through Viona's head had Athena not quickly raised Grey's hand so that the bullet shot upwards. Grey immediately glared at Athena angrily - her anger now still raging.

"What the hell are you doing?!" raged Grey.

Athena swallowed her saliva. To be honest, she was a little scared. Grey now was different compared to the Grey she saw everyday. Grey with his dark side. The mafia side.

"D—don't, Grey. I'm okay. Do you remember what your father asked you to do? If anything happens to her, how will you deal with your father?"

"I'll take care of it. It's none of your business. I've had enough of watching you get hurt by my father. Now, even this lowly servant dares to hurt you too?" Grey pointed his gun again. "I must kill her."

"No, sir! I apologize! I will leave immediately! Lady Athena, I'm sorry. I'm sorry!"