Part 42

"Fool. When are you going to wake up? I'm tired of making excuses to Noah who keeps asking about you. From you being on vacation and falling asleep right away, your phone being broken, and so on. If it takes longer, I can't hide it. Noah will get suspicious."

Grey spoke to Athena who had been unconscious for two days. According to the doctor's estimation, Athena should have woken up today. Grey really waited and looked after Athena.

Grey even ignored his work for a moment which was definitely piling up. Grey would do it later. After all, it was useless to work if he was not calm and his head was filled with Athena. Ocean took over.

Grey exhaled his breath. Grey wanted to hear Athena's voice who irritably answered him. "Hurry up and get up. I'm tired of my own feelings. I can't sleep well every day. I'm always worried, my heart feels like it's going to burst," Grey said honestly about himself for the past two days.