Part 52

"Why didn't you accompany her?"

"She said she wanted to be alone. But, she said she would eat her food, sir. I already delivered the message to finish her food because Master will check on her," Karin replied and Grey nodded, Grey had guessed that Athena did not want company.

Grey walked to Athena's room and opened it. However, his eyes crinkled after seeing that the room was empty. "Athena?" called Grey, but there was no response.

Grey headed to the bathroom, checking if Athena was there, but there was no one. Grey's jaw instantly hardened after seeing that there was no Athena's cell phone here as well as the bag she usually used for traveling. It was certain that Athena had left.

"Ocean!" Grey shouted.

Immediately, Ocean, who was standing by the door, came inside. "Yes, sir?"

"Track the CCTV! See if Athena left the house, what she used to leave!"

Ocean was surprised. "Miss Athena left?"