Part 47

Grey sighed. "Never mind. Why keep thinking about it? Women in this world are not just Athena. She's not that beautiful, that good. There are many women. I won't keep thinking about her. I'm not that sad either."

"I want to sleep. Ocean, you're on standby. If Noah or Athena need anything, give it to them. Make sure they don't open that room."

"Yes, Sir"

After that Grey headed to his room, leaving Ocean and Karin looking at him. Grey himself sighed, hitting his sore chest hard after entering his room.

"Fool! Why do you want Athena so much? Why do you love her? Athena only loves Noah, and vice versa. On what basis are you interfering?!"

Grey shouted, venting his frustration. Grey punched the wall a few times, then threw the nightlight on the nightstand until it broke. No one came over to check because everyone obviously knew what happened.

Grey ruffled his hair in frustration and wiped his tears roughly.