"D- Do you know who I am?! You will have to pay for what you have done!" The guy said in urgency, as he wiggled backwards and away from Zeva.

Zeva raised an eyebrow as she looked at him challengingly and said, "Oh! Is it so. Then tell me who are you?"

"I am Damien Guo! The young master of Guo family! My father is the president of -"


Another burning slap fell on his cheek as Zeva's hands made contact with them again.

She pressed her lips together and said, "I asked you, who are you. Not who your father is! I ask you, what good thing have you done, or who the important person are you that allows you too tease me and call me names?"

"..." Damien was speechless for a moment there. And before he could process anything more, a series of beating fell on him, as deserved from the utterly pissed Zeva.

Zeva did not give him the time or way to escape. Whenever he tried escaping or wiggling away from there, she would pull him back holding the handful of his funky coloured hairs.

After a few couple of minutes, the great young master Damien was beaten black and blue, with parts of his face black and blue. And the corners of his nose and mouth bleeding.

Now standing up, Zeva dusted her hands as she looked down at the whining and groaning mess of a Damien and said, "Is this enough of your lesson? Or do I need to teach you more on how to behave with a female being?"

Hearing her, Damien's eyes widened in horror and he hurriedly shook his head in denial and said, "No! No! Dear grandmother, I understood everything! Every single thing! I won't repeat it ever again! I promise! " Damien promised hurriedly as he pinched the skin on his throat.

Today's beating was more than enough.

Zeva looked at him, as she hummed and then said, "Now learn to be a man! Your body only makes you a male. But your personality makes you a man. So learn it! And try to create a good personality of yours own, instead of relying on your father and family.

Or else, it would be shameful to be called a man and get beaten black and blue from a girl like this. "

The last sentence, Zeva said with a smirk.

And that rendered Damien absolutely speechless.

While, the people around looked at them with a sneer, as they too felt that the punk deserved a good beating. But some of them were also concerned about Zeva, if she would get into any trouble after going against the politicians son.

But it was as if like, Zeva couldn't care less about it.

"Alright, the signal has turned green minutes ago. We don't want to be the cause of a heavy traffic, do we? Now keep my valuable words in mind. And scram."

Saying so, she shrugged with coolness and walked her way.

Meanwhile, Damien looked at her in tranced awe.

Zeva had walked back to her motorbike and got on it, and as she was putting on her helmet, did he come back to his senses.

"Wait-! Wait-! Wait-! Master! Stop! Take me as your disciple! Keep me around you! I want to be like youuu--" and by the time, he could complete his sentence, Zeva was gone.

Damien looked disappointed that he did not even get to know the name of his newly found inspiration. And he began to wonder where and how would he find the girl again.

"Hello Mister!" But all his thoughts were brought to an halt when the people around him called out.

"Mister, you can continue your thoughts later on. Now please remove your car and get yourself to the hospital. Though you are badly beaten black and blue, you are still in a perfect condition to drive yourself to the hospital. It is causing chaos and traffic behind."

Damien looked around and saw almost everyone criping around him, complaining. He harrumphed and said, "Atleast you could have offered me two words of kindness and sympathy. Don't you see, I am a patient who is physically and mentally disturbed!"

He said with a pitiful face, that had zero to no impact on the people around.

"But I will find a way to search for the girl. Hm.." Damien muttered, as he walked towards the car.