"And why do you think so?" Zeva asked to which, Lia looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't see a smart person in front of me , honestly. And many admirers? You look so medicore, with no complimentary talent that I see. So where does the admiring comes from? Alright, I understand anyway. Not everyone has a good taste.

Maybe you attract all the worst taste people on the Earth. "

This left Zeva's mouth hanging. She could not believe that she was being trolled by a tiny kid continuously and that too so mercilessly.

She shook her head and said, "What are you and when are you leaving?"

Lia on hearing this sneered and tsked. She then said, "As expected your brain is a little too much slower."

Shaking her head, she continued, "I just said that I am your system being. Who is in control of your system. I have attached myself with you and hence so you have got a system that will will assign you task that would help you in your world. And the best part is you will be granted cheats or gifts, that would help you reach unexpected highs in this world!

And no, this system is not like the ones that you normally read in comics. We don't have that work process where you die and get transported to a different world, where you fight monster and demons and you get a system. That is another world's process. It happens in a different dimension.

In yours and my case, you stay in this exact world, breathing and living. Breathing and living just fine, but gets choosen by system beings like us, who would help you succeed in life. So, you got to be grateful. Heavily grateful. "

Meanwhile Zeva had a funny expression on her face. She felt like she was hearing something so foreign that her mind could not process it. Though she understood it all, yet she did not understand anything at all.

"You said you chose me, but why did you choose me? And what would you get by helping me reach heights? And different world? What different world? Are you an alien? Cheats? What cheats and gifts? And system being? What is that! Ahh-! What are are you telling! " Zeva asked with frustration.

Lia pursed her lips and looked like she was done with handling these dumb person. She tsked and said, "Can you be anymore slow?"

Zeva felt really offended and said with a big pout, "Can you stop embarresing and taunting me like that?! This system and stuff is very new and weird for me okay?! Infact the whole you would be a joke to me if I would have not experienced in first hand.

Now don't be a little meanie, and explain it to me, alright?!" Zeva said.

This little girl's face, age and words just doens't go together hand in hand at all. Who would be able to tell that this tiny human would have such a sharp and merciless tongue.

Zeva could swear on her life, that if it were in her control and if a normal human kid would have insulted her so much to this extent, she would not doubtedly have given a smack of two in their heads.

But pity her life, here she had herself gotten two smacks from his strange tiny being.

Lia stared at Zeva with pursed lips and then finally sighed and shook her head.

"Sit there. Straight." Lia ordered in her babyish voice, which did not found commanding at all. Yet Zeva did as told.

Lia then sat folded legs in front of her, as if for a very serious discussion. And started explaining.

" Open your ears, and listen carefully. And don't interfere!

My name is Lia, and I am from a planet called Solara. And like people on Earth are known as human beings. We are known as System beings, because at the first stages of our lives, we are given systems to handle and help -"

"So, you are really an Alien for a different planet?!! You all exist for real! " Zeva interrupted and asked either big wide eyes.

Lia breathed out loudly and said, "I told you not to interfere, did I not??! "

Zeva bit her tongue and waved both her hands and said with a fake, awkward laugh, "Alright. Alright. Apologies. Please continue."