Zeva blinked and then with caution in her voice she asked, "But don't you think it is too much Pressure to be imposed on a little kids like you?" Because from what she saw Lia looked too small for this all responsibilities.

But Lia shook her head and said, "No. The time frame of our Planet is different than what is on Earth here. Also, babies in our planets are not so dumb, little humans. We are intelligent beings. Haven't you seen how much intelligent I am? I have fifty times more

IQ and EQ compared to babies of your planet, if only more. So this is a pressure that could be taken."

Not to lie, but Zeva indeed became impressed hearing that. But she won't say it.

"Are what if I am not able to complete the tasks you give me. What happens if I die? What will happen to you then?" Zeva then asked. It was a question that arised the very next second in her mind.

"I will go back to Solara. If you die before completing 20 tasks, then I will have a trial there. And if it is found that you died of natural causes, and for something for which nor you, nor me am responsible. Then maybe, I will be given a second chance. But if you fail to complete, then any tasks less than 20, then I won't be given any chance.

And if you die after completing 20 tasks, there is nothing to be done. Whatever cause it might be, I will have to accept my fate and live upto that age. There is no expectations."

Zeva nodded in understanding.

"So you see, we System beings are much more superior to you human beings. System beings helps people of different planets, and of different time dimensions. Almost all the great personalities have our helping hands behind them. We help poor creatures like you, before putting us. You all should respect us!" Lia then said that with a proud expression. "Now if you can't even help us live a decently long life, then how more utterly useless can you be?"

Zeva looked at her side eyedly as she sneered. It is just how you all are made, okay. You'll would not help us if not for your own benefit.

Zeva looked at Lia and wondered how this being looked exactly like us humans, but just how different they were from them. The intelligence level of this little three years old was unmatched to the intelligence of a three years old on Earth.

"And how did you find me?" Zeva then asked again.

Lia nodded and then went to answering, "You can say that you are chosen by God. After all, not everyone has the thing and destiny in them to be a great and renowned person. I mean, only if you are able to complete many tasks then..."

And when Zeva heard it, her eyes lit up in pure bliss! "I am chosen by God?!"

Lia looked at home Zeva's face lit up like a bulb and she said, "No need to be so happy. You are one of the few options chosen by fate, that I was given by the system. But I chose you. So it depends upon us to on whom we wish to invest out time on."

"Oh! But why did you choose me." She asked.

Lia ate another spoonful of icecream, and relished in it's taste before answering.

"Well you see, the options were not to my very liking. One of them was a young lad, he was good looking, and I would have chosen him. He would have made a huge name in the international Entertainment industry. But he was a drug addict and a big play boy. A Big turn off.

Another one was a big nerd, who was really studios. He has the potential to have his name written in the history with Golden Words. Though, he was a little too boring, I had thought of choosing him. He would for sure make a big discovery or invention and become a great scientist.

But then, I also decided to give a look at the last candidate, that was you. And I saw how maniac- like you behaved back there on the road, beating a lad black and blue.

I could not think of anything great that you would be. So I was about to ignore you, but then I saw you on the verge of dying.

It was all thanks to my big, kind heart, that I couldn't see someone dying and let go of such a candidate, and transported myself here to take you under my wings and also save you!"

On hearing all that Lia had to say, Zeva did not know whether to laugh or to cry. Should she be angry on her that his kiddo called her a manic or be thankful that she saved her.

Finally, Zeva sighed out loud and decided to take the positive appearance and she said, "Thank you so much for saving my life, Little lady Lia. But you see, since my name has appeared on the list, that means I definitely have some potential, isn't it? You just need to work hard and find it out. "

Zeva buttered her up. And why not?! If an alien was approaching her to help her for free to be a successful figure than why not?!!

Lia was for a second taken aback by how easily Zeva thanked her. She pursed her lips and shrugged her little shoulders, "We will see." She said aloofly.

But what Little Lia did not tell was that, how utterly impressed she was when she saw Zeva beat the shit out of that rascal in the middle of the road. Also, to save the family from the dangerous situation was highly impressive.

Also, Lia couldn't deny that this woman looked pretty, and it would compliment Lia's image if she went out with her in public.

But she was not going to admit it.

"Then could you assign me fairly easier tasks? Then see, it will be a win win for both of us. I will be rich fast, and you are going to be free too. How's that?! " Zeva proposed the idea as if it was a brilliant idea.

While Lia looked at her with a blank gaze. Her eyes screaming, 'ARE YOU AN IDIOT?'