Lia froze in her place for that one minute and looked at Zeva with disbelief. Then her lower lip started shivering, and her little fisted hands started shaking too.

Her breathes slowly started getting heavier and she said, "Why did you have to scold me like that?! Fine! You don't have to make me anything! You are so bad! " She too yelled and ran away with tears brimming in those beady eyes.

Zeva was taken aback and blinked her eyes. She did not expect the cool looking Lia to get emotional all of a sudden.

And especially after she saw the small body run away wiping her eyes, she felt especially guilty.

After sometime,

Little Lia sat on the balcony gazing at the beautiful city view, as she grumbled.

"What does she think of herself! I just ate an ice cream! Did she have to scold me like that?! Did she not know how tiring it was for my small body to carry and teleport her and her bike?! So what if I ate a little... Wuwuwu... I will never talk to her again.

It would have been better if I had chosen someone else. And have had let her die! Wu Wu..." Lia talked to herself and she silently sobbed.

All of a sudden she smelled a strong and delicious aroma. Lia took a whiff, but then pouted her lips and puffed her cheeks. "Now she is making good food for herself! I am just a baby... Does she not know how to behave with one? Heartless! "

Lia had folded her knees to her chest and held them, as she sat at the corner of the balcony.

"No, I have made for you too..." Suddenly Lia heard Zeva's voice, and she hurriedly wiped away her tears.

Zeva looked at the little girl, and smiled before she went to her and kept the tray of two bowls of hot noodles in front of her and sat beside her.

When Lia saw Zeva sitting beside, she puffed her cheeks even bigger and scooted away from her.

'Why is she sitting near me now?! Can't she see that I am mad at her?!' She scolded in her mind.

"Lia Darling, don't you want to taste them? You told me you were hungry..." Zeva said in her most soft voice.

"I am not hungry anymore. You can take them away. I will not eat." Lia said as she whipped her head to the other side.

But just the very next second, her stomach growled loudly contradicting her words. And Lia's face turned crimson red!

Zeva giggled and said, "Well.. your Little tummy doesn't agree with you, Lia."

Lia did not move her face towards Zeva and said, "Whatever it is! But why are you coming to me with food now?! Do you want to be friends with me now? Did you forget how badly you yelled at me earlier!"

"Hm... I do remember, how badly I behaved with you earlier. And I realised that I was wrong. After you, you are just a baby. Therefore, I am asking for your forgiveness, I am sorry, Lia. Please forgive me.. won't you?"

Lia slowly turned her face towards Zeva and looked at her. "Are you serious?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

"Uh- huh... I am very serious." Zeva replied with a smile.

On hearing that, Lia too smiled and threw off her anger and said, "Fine then. I will forgive you." She then picked up the bowl of hot noddles and chopsticks, as she started slurping on the noddles.

After the first mouth full, Lia closed her eyes as she relished in the taste and said, "Wow. It's delicious. I must say you are a good cook." Lia nodded as she went on to finish the whole bowl.

Zeva smiled at her as she saw her slurping and gulping down the whole bowl.

After sometime, when Lia looked up, she saw that Zeva was still staring at her.

Wiping her mouth, Lia said, "What are you looking at me like that for? I know I am cute... But the way you are looking at me is like a creepy kidnapper."

"Hahaha..." Zeva burst out laughing. And then said, "Why do I need to kidnap you anymore? Aren't you going to live with me now and provide me with your facilities..."

Lia bobbed her little head.

"A thought just came to my mind, when I saw you." She said.

"What thought?" Lia enquired curiously.