Zeva huffed and turned back to Lia and smiled tightly, saying, "Little child, have you taken a look at your own self?"

Lia blinked and asked, "Why so?"

Zeva sneered and said, "Because Miss self proclaimed Toddler Universe, you yourself don't look any less. You look as if you have gifted the space on your honourable head to some bird to build their nests. And now the only thing missing are a few eggs on them."

Hearing her , Lia's face got mared in horror, as she hurriedly jumped down the bed and rushed to the mirror. And when she saw her reflection on the mirror, she gasped and covered her mouth with her little hands.

"A protestor! This can't be me!" Lia exclaimed in disbelief.

Hearing her, Zeva laughed and said, "Do you mean, an 'imposter'? "

Lia looked at her and bobbed her head making her laugh more.

And seeing her laugh and her, Lia pouted her lips and complained, "You don't have to laugh so much. You don't look so good yourself too, alright. Remember how you scared the soul out of me.

And it is all your fault?"

Zeva laughed and asked, "Oh, is it? And what is my fault?"

Still with an upset pout, Lia said, "I always wake up prettily. It is all because of you, that I am now contaminated with the disease to wake up ugly. "

Zeva laughed as she got down her bed and walked towards her. Then she said, "Alright, fine. I believe you. It is all my fault. Now come. I have a lot to do today. " She said as she held Lia's hands and took her towards the bathroom to get freshed.

Lia raised her head as she walked and asked, "You don't doubt me, do you?"

"No... No... Absolutely not.. Hehe.." Zeva giggled teasing Lia even more.


Zeva sat in front of the Little Lia, who stood there with one towel wrapped around her, and another towel wrapped on her head. They both had tensed expressions on their faces.

" You should have told me, that you had brought no clothes." Zeva said with her lips pressed in a straight line.

" I forgot to tell. " Lia said with a big frown as she looked at the partly wet dress in her hand.

When Zeva saw that Lia had nothing to wear, she had put that dress in the washing machine to wash and dry partly.

"Now hold in straight, okay." She said, as Zeva made Lia hold the dress straight while she dried the rest of the wetness with the hair dryer.

Finally after the dress was nice and dry, Zeva nodded in satisfaction and said, "Hm. This is good now. Come lets get ready. "

After that Zeva went to getting the little girl ready with unmatched concentration and dedication. While, Lia looked at how Zeva suddenly turned into a busy body, trying to nicely get her ready, like putting a bow on her dress, making cute hairstyles, and clipping cute clips.

It would be a lie, if Lia said that she was enjoying the treatment. But she also felt that Zeva had unofficially turned into a moving doll.

"Perfect!" Finally, Zeva exclaimed as she clapped her hands with satisfaction and excitement and looked at the cute and chubby little girl sitting in front of the mirror.

"Aww... Just look at you. You look so cute!!" She said swooning at her own work.

Lia smiled at herself in the mirror and then looked at Zeva and said raising an eyebrow, "Come on, thank me now."

"Huh?" Hearing her Zeva turned confused and asked, "And why would I thank you? Shouldn't you be thanking me for making you look so pretty?"

"Tsk... Tsk .. tsk... Tsk.." Lia shook her head, and moved her index finger left and right in denial and said, "Not at all. I am a pretty and cute being to begin with. So even if I wear a sack, I would look cute. But you should be thanking me, for I let had let you get me ready, and let you relive the moments of playing with a doll. "

"..." As usual her words, definately did not fail to make her speechless. Zeva shook her head not knowing whether to cry or laugh but anyway, what she said was wrong too. She definitely enjoyed it herself.

"Alright, thank you. My grandmother. Now come, we are running late!"

Lia blinked her eyes and said, "But where are we running late to?! Where are you going?!"

"Oh." Zeva realised that she had not even told her where were they going.