Kira was rooted there in shock. So much was going on in her mind, but she wasn't able to voice out anything. How will she, after all? Never in her wildest dreams had she ever thought that Zeva would actually know all this and would expose her like this in front of other people.


She could feel her friends look at her way, judging her. And they also tried to maintain distance between them. And on seeing this, she gritted her teeth.

And though Eiana had turned on her heels and gone, Lia was still standing there. She looked at Kira and chuckled before saying, "Miss I understand that you have a low IQ, EQ and lack good looks. But you see, you must think twice before saying something. See! Haven't you dug your own grave here.

I am very glad that my elder sister doesn't mingle with you. Hihihi!" saying so, Lia also ran away padding behind Zeva, leaving Kira and the others speechless.


Kira by now was shaking in anger, as she gritted her teeth, and fisted her hands.

After the two left, Kira's friends looked at one another, before one of them cleared his throat and said, "Kira, I think we must get going. The class would start soon."

Kira replied nothing. The surrounding had turn a lot awkward. After they left, Kira kicked the air in anger and wondered, how did things turn out to be like this!"


Lia hurriedly caught up to Zeva, and said with wide eyes, "Wow! I did not know about this interesting story. So, you had run away from home without telling anyone. And that is why you live alone."


Zeva casually shrugged, and replied, "Not really. But yes, it was something like that." Then she looked at Lia and asked, "And what good things did you tell after I left?"


"Oh, I just gave her a reality check." Lia asked as she waved her hand dismissingly, to which Zeva laughed.


"But I had a question to ask you," Lia said as she looked at her.

"Uhmhm.. ask." Zeva was in a good mood after giving Kira a taste of her own medicine.


"You don't look like someone with such a pure and big heart, that you would quietly take up the blame on you for something you did not do. And then go away from home, because of what people said about you. You are more like a person that would zip up their mouths, and if needed give them a few slaps. So, what exactly happened?" Lia asked as she looked at Zeva with narrowed eyes.


"…" And here Zeva turned speechless. She pursed her lips together as she met the little girl's narrowed eyes, who was trying to decode what was on her mind.


Clearing her throat, Zeva asked, "Lia, since how long do you know me?"

"Huh? For nearly a little more than twelve hours. Why do you ask?" Lia blinked and answered.


"Then for this twelve hours, did you not know me a little too well?" Zeva said.

The little alien blinked her eyes twice, before breaking out in a glee, and said, "Heheh… I am smart after all. Now come on, spill the real tea."

Zeva chuckled looking at the little gossip monger and shook her head.

Then she started telling her story, "Actually, I was already looking for a way to run away from that house. And Kira's deeds came as a blessing at that time."


"Huh? What do you mean?" Lia asked, her interest getting doubled.


"My father was in the army, so he used to spend most of his time away from home. Either he would be in the military or in the apartment in the city. He would rarely go back home in the town. And in such a time, he had met my mother. They fell in love with each other soon and got married. Though, I don't know who my mother's side of family is. She always said that she had no one of her own. I was quiet young then, but now I understand that maybe her position was like what I now have.

Grandma once told me that my father met my mother during one of his mission at a village near some mountains.


What ever that was.

So, my father though he did not use to visit the town much, he would send money at home. And he had also bought a lot of plots of lands there.


 And then I was four, my father went to a mission, and he never came back. Later, the military informed us that he died completing the mission.


My mother was completely broken at the news. She almost got depressed from then on, but she tried to be strong for me. But soon, sickness caught my mother's health. At that time. My grandmother took my mother to our hometown. 


She used to love me a lot. But then when I was six, my mother lost to sickness too. And the only person who looked after me was my old grandmother.


As I started growing up, I realised that my uncle was a very selfish man. And so was his wife. And my grandmother knew this very well too.

After my father died, the uncle was very happy with the fact that now he did not have to share the ancestral property with anyone. He even wanted to get me married as soon as I reached the age of consent. And even did not wanted me to have any higher education.


My grandma knew of her younger son very well, so she had always kept whatever properties my parents owned in the town or villages nearby a secret. Or my uncle would want those too!


When I became fifteen, my grandma's health started deterioting too. She would constantly be sick. So, at that time she helped me transfer all my parent's properties legally in my name. And gave me an idea to go away from home, without informing any one else."