"Good morning, Lia. How are you?" Karl greeted Lia, which took the little girl by surprise. And she blinked her eyes.

For a moment, she questioned herself whether she was looking and hearing the right thing.

Then when she was confirmed that yes, it was all truth, Lia giddly smiled and replied, "Oh, Good morning, big brother. I am fine, thank you." She said in her sweet voice. In her heart, her eyes shone thinking how she could flex in the future that a good looking big brother had initiated a talk with her.

"Please sit, Miss Zeva." Karl replied again, as he continued to hold the chair that he had pulled for her. While, Zeva remained stunned for a moment, not quite believing the sight in front of her. She then shook her head a little, coming back to her senses and then nodding her head sat on the chair, with Lia talking her place next to Zeva.