When Aunty Lee saw him her eyes lit up. She lips pursed into a smile. And she hurriedly answered, "Hello, hello, young man."

She then looked at Zeva with bright eyes and said with a gleeful smile, "Little girl Zeva, have you finally found yourself a boyfriend? I must say that he is very handsome. And you both look so good together!" Aunty Lee looked all smiles and very happy.

"..." "..." Meanwhile, Zeva and Karl did not know what to say. They turned to look at each other. Karl did not have much changes in his expression but Zeva's face slightly reddened and she averted her gaze. She was about to open her mouth to say something, but Lia beat her to day and said bluntly, "No. They are not boyfriend and girlfriend."

The smile was quick to flatten out as soon as she heard Lia and Aunty Lee looked at her, "Huh?"