Now having all the attention of the crowd, Heron was about to open his mouth of speak, when Damien beat to him and said, "Hush crowd! What is this behaviour? Our leader is going to arrive? What will our new Boss think of you all if you all act like fish market vendors!"

Damien was in all his sass, while Heron turned into a tomato in anger. He had silenced them all, and this moron just took away his chance to speak!

Hearing him say that, some of the people who had doubts in their heads widened their eyes. And someone from Warrior Eagles asked, "Well Boss, so that means who ever the new Boss is, he has acquired both the gangs?"

"That's right." Damien nodded his head and said, "The new Boss is very capable, very smart, very good looking and... Well, no matter how much I praise it is going to be less. You all will see for yourself."