When Zeva and Lia went back home, it was already dark, and they were tired to the D!

Zeva and Lia slumped on the couch and Zeva whined, "Oh my, my! Lia, I am so tired."

"Me too~" Lia too sang together. Zeva looked at her side eyedly and said, "But what are you tired for? You spent your day nicely eating and drinking."

"Yes, yes." Lia bobbed her head and said, "I am tired eating, drinking and roaming aroujd behind you all day." And she winked. Then changing the topic she said again, "But now Zeva, you own a gang! Hehe... You have become a bad bad person."

Zeva giggled with her and winked, "I am a bad person with principles and morals." The two of them giggled and then they went to get ready for the night.

Both of them washed up and got freshed before wearing their night dresses. And then sat for the dinner.

Zeva did not have any energy anymore for make something special. So she made the saviour, instant noodles.