A week has passed since since Zeva and Lia woke up early in the morning for the training and completing the task. It had been a week, and made sure everyone in the gang worked out and trained well.

Today was the last day, and as Zeva and Lia came back home, the screen appeared in front of them again, suggesting that their task in completed. And as soon as Zeva and Lia saw it, they sighed loudly in relief. Finally, finally, finally, was the task over. No need to wake up at middle of the night anymore atleast! They cried in their hearts.

"Hufff.... Thank God! Now I can complete my sleep atleast." Lia said as she wiped the invisible sweat of her face. "My pitiful body was squeezed out in the last week." She said in such a manner as if there was no one more pitiful than herself.